"Kid?" Maka's voice enters the room, followed by her and Soul. I greet them saying a quick 'hello' and then look back at Samantha's tranquil face. So relaxed. Too relaxed for my nerves. 

"Wake up, Sam," I beg in a quiet voice, almost inaudible. It came out shaky, wavering at the ends of each word. Croaky, unstable, unbalanced... 

"Dude... Are you crying?" Soul asks.

"Of course not!" I sniff wiping the water streaks off of my face. Damn, I am crying. 

"I'm simply-"

"Crying." Soul cut me off. I give in nodding and heaving a sigh of despair looking down at Sam. I feel weak to continue arguing with Soul of Whether I'm in tears or not.

 Maka sat across from me on the other side of Sam.

"She'll wake up," she promises. That sentence. I've heard it so many times, it's beginning to sound old. It's like a broken record, repeating the same part over and over again, the needle jumping about, sometimes getting to a new line and then jumping back to the same spot only to repeat the whole thing again. I'm sick of hearing it. Everyone says it. I've had enough of hearing it.

"That's what they all say, Maka," I spat, my voice not too kindly at all. "But it's almost been two months and she hasn't batted an eyelash!"

"Kid, calm down," Soul warns. 

"Calm.  HAHA! I've been trying to stay calm for the whole time! And now, only now, am I beginning to lose it! How much longer must I be calm? I can't take waiting anymore! I can't handle everyone's words of saying "She'll awake," or that she'll be fine! She could die one day if she's like this forever!"

"But it won't be forever, Kid." Maka soothes. I could feel the warm trickles of tears falling down my cheeks and onto my shirt. All Maka and Soul could do was give me sympathetic looks.

"But I want to see her happy again. I hate looking at her fearing the moment she stops breathing. I want to hear her voice again, I want to see her smile, I want to be able to-"

My sentence cut short as soon as I realised what I was going to say. No..I can't be thinking that! It's not right! I don't have anything towards her, I don't, I don't! Do I?

"Kid... Are you by any chance... In love with her?" Maka asks.

In a brief seconds, the tears and sobs ceased and I looked up at the pair. Leafy green and blood red eyes stared into amber filled with confusion and a sense of loss. "H-how can I? I don't fully understand it. I've only experienced it once with Hannah. That was five years ago!  "

"Well, lets test it out then, shall we?" Maka proposed. "When she's around, are you happier?"

"She gets on my nerves a lot... But when we got along, I was very happy." I answer.

"So that's a yes," Soul smirks.

"Okay, do me a favour and hold her hand." Maka requests. I stare at her in uncertainty, but I'm desperate to see where this is going. I pick up Sam's delicate hand and hold it firmly, but not so tight that I cut off circulation. The feeling in my stomach begins rising, the same fluttery feeling I get every time I hold onto her hand.

"What do you feel?" Soul inquires. I tell them. I tell them it's like my stomach was filled with butterflies, fluttering around making me feel all giddy and bothered, nervous in a sense, but it feels somewhat... Nice.

The grins on their faces grew bigger, then Soul whispered into Maka's ear making her smile and nod her head in approval. What are they up to now?

Soul cleared his throat. "Alright, now just stare at her for a while."

A Violation To Symmetry- Death The KidWhere stories live. Discover now