I might as well be dead

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Jeydon's POV
"Stephanie hurry up and get down stairs!" I said. "You do realise I'm on fucking crutches!" She yelled.
Our parents knocked on the door..... Fuck........ I fucking hate my parents. My mom she literally treats me like I'm 2, even though I'm 20. My dad on the other hand... He thought it would be a great idea, to abuse Stephanie and myself. Steph and I put on a huge ass fake smile and opened the door. "What the hell happened to you Stephanie Linda Rose Wale?" Melissa asked. (Our mom)  "What the fuck Jeydon Luke Hunter Wale, I told you no fucking piercings or tattoos."  Ryan (our dad) yelled at me. Stephanie said "It's our fucking choice to get piercings or tattoos. We are not fucking two we are 20 years old. And if you two are going to treat us like shit, then get the fuck out. We don't need to be treated like shit just like when we were kids. Dad you fucking hit me and Jeydon, and a whole bunch of other things like that. Is what you did to us. Mom you've always treated Jeydon and I like we are babies and news flash we are twenty years old. You both didn't seem to care enough to wish us a happy birthday or when I tried to commit suicide twice. And when Jeydon tried to commit suicide once. And now all of a sudden you both show up unexpected and suddenly care? That's bull shit and I know I wouldn't treat my future kids like shit. And I don't think Jeydon would either. " Stephanie went upstairs and slammed her door shut and blasted Blink 182, Never Shout Never, and The Story So far. I said "Thanks for being fucking assholes to me and Stephanie." Our parents left, thank god. I left Stephanie alone, and I went to my room. I haven't cut in two years but I broke two years of being clean and I cut. The next day Stephanie and I got a tattoo(in the photo) on my right  side of my shine and Stephanie got hers on the left side of her shine.

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