I am done with life

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~Major triggers~
Stephanie's POV
I was going to be doing an 8/8 video. Start of the video....
Hey guys it's Stephanie Wale here and today I'm joined by My Digital Escape. End of the video.... "Guys I'm sorry I can't do MDE anymore😔😥" I said to them. Bryan asked "Stephanie why?" I replied with "I'm sorry but Kyle hates me, he told me that I'm a little bitch, he hit me with a pillow that made my face bruise (and I still have the bruise), and last night he slapped me. I just can't. I'm sorry. I love filming videos with you guys but I can't." Kyle had the guts to say "Well you are a bitch, I'm surprised you haven't cut lately, and I'm shocked you haven't tried to killed yourself ." "Kyle!" Everyone said at the same time. Walks over Kyle shows him my arms and wrists and I said "I did that all last night after you slapped me. "
I ran home crying, this time I cut my thighs and I almost slit my throat. Jeydon walked in and saw my thighs, I was still holding the blade. Jeydon left and I pulled out my camera and recorded my last YouTube video. I ended the video. I texted Robby..... "Robby I love you but I'm sorry I just can't. Don't do anything stupid over me. I'm done I'm so sorry. I love you"
I wrote a suicide note... And I put it on my pillow, then I found rope in my closet(from the last time I attempted.) I tied one end to my celling fan and the other around my head. I also took a handful of sleeping pills. I stood on the chair put my head threw the hole, and kicked the chair. I was dangling from my celling fan, then all of a sudden I blacked out and I was on the floor. Jeydon heard a thump and ran upstairs only to see me on the floor. He read the note and called 911 right away. He thought I was dead, he was crying and on the phone with MDE telling what happened and where we were. I got to the hospital. They doctors and nurses stupidity saved me. I was alive. How the hell did I survive two suicide attempts? When I woke up I could see all of MDE and Robby who bought be a stuffed bear. Kyle was even there. I was able to say "Thanks Robby." Everyone was crying even Kyle, who even told me to kill myself. I got to go back home after a week in the hospital.

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