Telling her something

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Robby's POV
I was on Skype with Stephanie (the cutest girl ever). I gave Stephanie my phone number and she gave me hers. I knew that Bryan wanted to film a 7/7 video, but I knew Stephanie wouldn't be there or will she? Stephanie would never like me in the that way she probably likes Bryan or Jordan.
The next day at Bryan's house to film the 7/7 video.
I saw Bryan, Jordan, Johnnie, Kyle, Jeydon, Shannon, and Alex but I noticed Stephanie was there, which was weird for me, was she in MDE or just came to watch. I learned that Steph is in MDE, so I guess it's an 8/8 video. At the start of the video.... Hey guys it's Robby here and today I'm with the full cast of MDE, everyone say who you are, starting at our new member Stephanie, Jeydon,Alex,Johnnie,Kyle,Bryan,Shannon,Jordan. They all said there names. And what we are going to do for you guys is silent library. So we are each going to pick a challenge to do and we can't make a sound. Kyle you're first. "Get rubbed with honey" "Fuck" Is what Kyle said after we read his challenge. Johnnie got to rub the honey all over Kyle's chest and he kissed him and we got a Kohnnie moment on camera. My turn. "Get a spanking" "Wow Jeydon you're doing it!" Jeydon got to spank my ass for a 30 seconds. Stephanie your turn. "Getting hit with a pillow" After the 30 seconds were done Stephanie starting crying because of the first hit thanks to Kyle. He hit her with the pillow really hard, we heard it hit her face. She got up and walked away. She came back with her face bruised and red. Jeydon your turn. "Cold shower" "Fuck you!" Jeydon said. He won the challenge. Johnnie your turn. "Kiss Stephanie like you mean it" "I'm gay though I'm dating Kyle!" So Johnnie kissed Stephanie. Alex your turn. "Eat deodorant" "I hate you all" Alex always has to eat deodorant. Shannon your turn. "Take as many clothes off Jeydon as you can" Shannon took off a lot of Jeydon's clothes. Jordan your turn. "Run outside and yell I love One Direction" Bryan you are the last person to go. "Tell the person you like that you like them." "Stephanie I like you" is what Bryan said. See you guys next video. Remember to go to our website for MDE tour tickets. Bye. End of the video. I asked Stephanie to go to the kitchen to talk, instead of talking she out of all people she kissed me and then said I like you. Bryan saw us kissing. I'm sorry Bryan I can't help who I fall in love with.

Kohnnie plus MDE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now