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Stephanie's POV
I walking with Robby in the park holding his sweaty, clammy hand when someone came up behind us and knocked us out. We woke up in a shack I think we were tired up and there was gasoline all over the floor. "Robby!" I yelled only to find out that he was right behind me on the pole. I was crying but not to loudly because we didn't want to get killed. "Robby, I just remembered that my necklace Jeydon got me for passing my dance exams, is a tracker, which I put in my pocket. Jeydon and Kyle are on their way. We could of been rapped. Thank you for being my first." We had sex a while ago, so he was my first and I was his first. Robby replied with "They are here!" They founds us and Kyle said to Robby as he untied him "See Stephanie's a bitch if it wasn't for her you wouldn't be in this mess! You're never allowed to see her even again, the only time you can is for MDE!!" Robby said to me : "I'm sorry I don't want to do this but we are over. We are just friends, we never can get back together. I don't even know why we dated you're an attention seeker!" We got home and I texted Bryan...
S: "Hey Bryan. Can we do an 8/8 video? I have an announcement....."
B: "Hey Steph. Yeah sure I was going text all them to ask. 😂 would it be wired if I brought my boyfriend?"
S: "Nah."

The next day

I had new scares... Jeydon was pissed of at Robby,and Kyle. I was fucking pissed off at Kyle and Robby. Jeydon and I went over to Bryan's house and meet Tyler(Bryan's boyfriend)
All of MDE was there. I started to speak. "Hey guys I'm really sorry but I can't do MDE anymore. I don't care if Jeydon still does MDE, but I can't. I'm getting too much hate. Bryan you are an amazing person, Jordan you make me smile more than anyone else can, Johnnie don't quit ever,Shannan, I always loved you, you're a great person, Alex you've been there for me forever and I couldn't thank you enough, Tyler I've always been a fan, Robby you are dick, and Kyle you're an asshole, you told Robby to dump me, you called me a bitch, you told the whole entire school that I'm a slut, and actually I've had sex once with one guy and that's that. Robby and Kyle you both really hurt me. So this will be my last MDE video." They all said "Stephanie please stay with MDE, your fans will be so upset." "Okay fine I'll stay!" I said and they all said "YAY!"

Start of video.....
"Hey guys it's Stephanie Wale here. And today I'm joined with Bryan, Jordan, Johnnie, Jeydon, Kyle, Robby, Shannon, Alex and Tyler!
Time skip till the end of the video.
"Be sure to give this a thumbs up if you liked it. My own YouTube channel will be in the depiction box, along with everyone else's channel. Thanks for watching bye Flower Cookies! Stay true to yourself!" I finished with throwing glitter at the camera.
"Guys before you leave I have one last announcement..... When I had sex with Robby... The condom broke I'm guessing..... Well I'm pregnant! And Robby you're the father. Robby you don't need to help with the baby. You may not be able to see the baby. We are not together anymore so. Bye guys" I said.

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