Start from the beginning

"What's the plan?" Eli asked being professional. Although the tension in the room could cut through iron.

"We get him off her tail for a while. Until we can figure out how to keep him off her tail. I say hit him where it hurts a little bit." Cameron replied.

As the two talked, Riley was silent. The thick tension couldn't be ignored at all. Zayn stared at her blankly while Marcus stared apologetically. Although she wondered why they were, she gave them both a cold shoulder.

Eli glanced at her. "You're wonder why those two are here, huh?"

"I could care less. Anyone care for a drink?" she offered as she stood up.

"Some water would be great, thanks." Eli replied.

"Can you refill my coffee cup, babe?" Cameron asked her.

She nodded taking Cameron's mug that was on the coffee table and went to the kitchen. When she got there, she paused for a second knowing she was followed.

Zayn leaned against the archway. "I don't understand how you caused all of this and still get to roam free. I just—"

Riley laughed darkly. "Why does it matter to you? You want me to go back to where I was running from. And yet, you're here still trying to get involved."

"I only came to apologize for how I acted," he stepped closer to her while she began making Cameron's coffee. "And that boy you're living here with. I didn't know you had a boyfriend either."

Knowing he was close; she increased the distance between them. "You can find out who—"

Cameron's arm slipped around Riley's waist. "Am I interrupting family time?"

"Nope. Just finished talking actually. And here's your coffee," Riley smiled a little. "Eli's water too."

She was about to walk away when Zayn grabbed her wrist. "We weren't done talking. Where are you going?"

She took his hand and pulled it off her wrist. "I have nothing more to say to you."

He was about to grab her hand again when Cameron stepped in front him. "She said that she's done talking to you. Can't you take a hint?"

Zayn scoffed. "Out of my way, boy. This has nothing to do with you."

"Oh, it does. More than you think, sir." He retaliated.

"In what world? Neverland? Please," Zayn chuckled eying Cameron. "Show some respect kid. You don't know who you're talking to."

Cameron smirked. "Zayn Morris, Matt West's head bodyguard and friend. A vet and a fellow agent. However, it is you who doesn't know they're talking to. Respect isn't given. It's earned. Besides you're in my house. Don't give me a reason to lay you out cold, understand?"

Cameron's aura had changed but his words sounded as calm as the ocean. Zayn was usually the intimidating one around Marcus, Matt and Riley. He was known for that, but that wasn't the case now. Zayn could feel his tough façade cracking. Cameron was the one with power here. He exuded it. It naturally came off him. Zayn has never seen anyone like him. Cameron's stance alone made Zayn's confidence dwindle.

"This is between me and Riley. Nothing more, nothing less. Stop trying to act like a big shot when she's not here. Who the hell do you think you are to disrespect me, hmm?" Zayn spat coldly.

"You really don't know who this man is, Morris? My apologies. I should've introduced you earlier," Eli popped in with his glass in hand whilst Marcus stood quietly watching them amused.

Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK IWhere stories live. Discover now