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Words can't really explain how grateful I truly am for the time you all gave my story. I started this story (the original version) in 2015. I was seventeen. A year shy of graduating high school. Exactly eight years ago.

I honestly don't know where I'd be if I didn't have this outlet. This was one of my ways to escape how hectic my high school was. I watched old friends drift apart. Girls badmouthing each other. Heard things there that I didn't need to hear. And I made some fun memories too.

I remember spending hours on my phone typing away. There was no outline, but I had a plot. I wrote as my ideas came to me. Wrote as I played music. Blasting it in my headphones, thank God I'm not deaf (I mean no disrespect to the deaf community. You guys are as human as us from the hearing community. You deserve to be heard, too!)

I remember waking up to my story reaching 50k one time. I never saw that before or even have that many people read what I wrote. Telling me that it was amazing. Well written. Their favorite story they've read so far. I even got my ever "hate" comment.

Then, it grew and grew even more. I wasn't expecting any of it. I honestly didn't. People would actually read this. I'm truly grateful to you all. 

Thank you for everything. 

Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora