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There were times where she said these words. Words that become comfort for a long time before she finally broke that comfort. Still, time could predict her motives. The self she hid, was allowed to reveal themselves. Dark, yet so beautiful. Riley, Slash, whoever you wanted to call her, had her last scream. She yelled so loud, that for a long time, that was all Cameron could hear—what he could remember even within sleep.

In fact, it was such a long song that everyone chose to ignore except him. He couldn't ignore it. Which is why he spent years trying to find her. All this time, he was the only one trying to save her. He smiled warmly at her as her name left his lips. Such a sweet, vibrant sound left a warmness in her heart. Without even knowing, her tears started to flow, and he brought into his embrace. "What's the matter, love? Emotional again?"

She chuckled lightly. "Thank you..."

His brows furrowed. "What are you thanking me for? You okay?"

She smiled, hugging him tighter. "For everything. For being the only one who heard me when no one else did."

Gently, he kissed her forehead. "Don't thank me just yet, love. We still have him to deal with." He then took her hand. "Now come on, we have a mission to tend in Spain and we fly out in the next hour."

"What if she doesn't recognize me? What if—"

"A mother knows her child, love. Besides, I'll be right by you if things go south, okay?" he reassured her.

She nodded. "Let's do this."


As they traveled across the world, the spotlight was on the united states. The country was holding a secret and right now it was being exposed. The FBI's chairman and the director were smeared all over the screen. Whilst on the plane, Riley and Cameron watched the news. Everyone in the plane was finding out the truth about the FBI. Everyone was getting to know how sketchy the FBI truly is.

Cameron smiled a little seeing the director and the chairman having to be bombarded by the press. "This shouldn't be as fun as it is right now."

Riley chuckled. "It already is. So, we can't do anything about it. Besides, karma has been waiting a long time."

Cameron laughed lightly as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "It most certainly has my love."


They arrived in warmth. The trees swaying against the wind, beautiful music along the streets. Loudly and proud, the people of Spain smile and sing together. The glorious aroma of food danced across their noses as they took in the gorgeous scenery. Not long after, they reached their accommodation. A gorgeous beige-colored villa sitting near a private beach surrounded smaller homes nearby.

"How do you find these places, Cameron?" Riley asked in awe. "Its beautiful."

Cameron chuckled hugging Riley to his side. Leaning near her ear, his smooth he whispered. "What if I told you I own the place, hmm?"

She chuckled, distancing herself from him. "Then I would ask how many places you actually own?"

"And I would answer by saying, Maybe too many. Though it saves a lot of money instead of staying in an expensive hotel with stale food."

She laughed as he led her inside of the place. Although the outside was breathtaking, the inside truly took her breath away. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. A fountain against the winding staircase. Beige and brown furniture decorated to perfection. Everything inside screamed a modern take on Spain's authentic Latin culture and its bright flair.

Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK IWhere stories live. Discover now