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THE flight back to Dubai was tedious, but also relaxing. Considering the fact that Cameron had his own jet. Riley had been lost in thought. However, she was able to shower and sleep comfortably.

Yet, Riley knew that things won't be easily rectified. It is quite impossible considering her nature. That was a burden she alone carried. Cameron knew it as well. His burden was a secret, hard for him to admit to say the least. That yearn for a family to accept him as he is. That yearn for a parent's love. One that Riley had to sacrifice.

"Sir, Eli is on the line." The guard named Krushiv handed Cameron his phone.

"Eli, how are you? I hear things are in a frenzy in the States." Cameron answered, laughing a bit as he nodded at Krushiv as a silent thanks.

They had spoken for the rest of the flight, giving each other updates on the FBI's downfall and the chairman's meltdown at a press conference they apparently held in order to smooth things over with the nation in the hopes of regaining the people's trust and failing. Cameron had put the phone on speaker so that Riley could hear. Cameron and Riley's hearts swelled at the chairman humiliating himself on national television. There was not a single question in that conference he could answer with a boldface lie, because the truth was there. On video, and on paper. More importantly, Carlos and Rodney didn't dare to speak. They sat in that conference emotionless. Cameron received photos of the event.

They landed back in Dubai safely, the guys checked their vehicle from top to bottom as they waited in the jet. "People of your importance can never be too careful." Krushiv offered Riley his arm to help her down the stairs of the jet while Cameron followed behind her.

"Thank you." she said to the four men circling around them.

"The pleasure is ours, Ma'am." they said in unison as they all moved as a unit.

Krushiv came up from behind matching their speed. "What's next for the brothers, sir?"

Just before Cameron and Riley decided to take the car, his chauffeur was driving, Cameron smirked. "Just Watch." Is all he gave them.

They arrived at the house soon after. And as they did, both their phones went off with news from the press. The smile on Cameron was enough. He was pleased, more than pleased. The front page was showing the Castro brothers and their father along with Chairman Masters, and there was more. An audio log was released. A recording of their entire conversation about the Stealth program and their plans for it. Nothing could be said to cover it, nothing could be done to cover it.

Sylvia's evidence against them as well. It was only a matter of time before a trial was going to occur. Just as they walked into their house, Eli gave Cameron a call.

"You sure show how to step on a person's image, Eli." Cameron chuckled, answering him.

"Well, it's what I'm good at. After all, he tried to threaten me." Eli replied. "Anyway, being the good man that I am, I got you two a lawyer. Because expect a court trial to happen in the next few months- a year at most."

Cameron chuckled. "Noted."

"As for Nathan, he wants to have a word with you," Eli replied.

"Put him on the phone then."

Not long after Cameron could hear a muffled voice on the other line. A slight wince was heard afterwards. "Hello, Rogue. Nice to hear from you."

"Likewise, Nathan. I hope Eli and his friends are treating you with the utmost best hospitality?" Cameron smiled evilly.

"When I get out of this cell, I will find you and end you. I promise you that," Nathan sneered.

Cameron laughed lightly. "I'll be waiting. Your focus shouldn't be on me, just yet."

"What the hell are you-?"

He smiled. "Eli, show him."

On the other line, Cameron could hear the tv murmur due to the bad signal. However, the tv was on and Cameron was sure that Nathan saw everything now. He smirked as he heard Nathan yelling and cursing at Eli and his men.

"You're dead, Rogue! You're a dead man!" Nathan shouted. "Count your days, Rogue! My son was right to take your little girlfriend's innocence! She's spineless. Worthless. Better yet, perfect for building a new generation of the Castro family." He laughed manically.

Cameron knew that Nathan would say something about Riley. So, he did what Nathan least expected. He laughed. Right into Nathan's ear, Cameron's laugh made his skin crawl. Nathan was thrown off by the laugh. He couldn't understand why Cameron was laughing. So he asked.

"Using the love of my life as leverage in psychological warfare? That's cute. However, that's not going to work against me, old man. You already lost. This was a fun game, Nathan. Thanks for playing with me." With that Cameron hung up and made another call.


"Do you have eyes on Alexa?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. She's with us actually."

His eyebrow raised. "Oh? Did she bride you into taking her with you?"

"Nothing, sir."

"Put her on the phone." was all he said.

"Hello, Cammie," Nathan's daughter's voice was heard which made him cringe. Cameron hated that nickname she gave him.

"What are you doing with the Serpents, Alexa?" he asked sternly. "I told you not to get involved."

"This is my father, Cameron. I can't just sit back and watch his image get destroyed without joining in the fun. You promised to help me find my mother. You're not going to break that promise, are you?"

He sighed. "No. Now, answer my question. Why are you with the serpents?"

"I'm with them because I have something that'll really put my dad and brothers down."


Short but sweet. Just the way we like it. 

It has been almost five years since I first started writing this book. The series itself has a special place in my heart. I want to thank you guys for taking time out of your day to read my book. I hope it made quarantine a little bit better or fun (maybe). Right now, there are three more chapters left and I think I've teased you all long enough. Those four men are about to pay a heavy price. 

See you guys in the next one!

love you!


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