The Deadly Deal

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"Right. I'm going now." I use the towel to hide my right wrist. Kaito hands me a bag of my clothes, and I head into the bathroom, but stop at the door.


"They're fine. They're eating breakfast." I roll my eyes at him, and close the door behind me. I drop the towel, and look at the symbol on my wrist. My heart starts to pound, and my stomach clenches up tightly. I may be fascinated with the idea of death, but I don't like the sound of dying just yet. Not when I've actually found reasons to keep living.

"Where are we meeting?" I write out on the mirror in front of me. I make more fog on the mirror, and wait for Shizuka's response.

The actual cemetery at midnight.

So, that's it then. I have my response. I'm sure Ichiru and Shizuka will be waiting for me there. I just have to keep acting normal until then. Nobody must know. I wipe away harshly at the mirror. Until I know there is no trace of the writing. I turn to the bathtub, and decide to shower instead of bathe.


"Morning!" I walk into the kitchen as I wrap the towel around me. I had a strike of bad luck. My sister gave Kaito a dress for me to wear, and I have no long sleeve dresses.

"Want breakfast?" Kaito questions from behind the kitchen counter.

"No, I'm-" My stomach growls, and I blush brightly. "Nobody heard that, right?" Kaito puts a plate in front of me of scrambled eggs, and another plate with fruit.

I keep my right hand down, and attempt to eat with my left hand. It's a little difficult, but I can manage.

"Aren't you right handed?" Zero questions. I gulp in my fruit. Who even pays attention to that?! 

"I'm training myself to become ambidextrous." Gosh I suck at lying! Though, I suppose it's not exactly a lie since I do need to wield two guns.

"Why?" He questions, but I find a great excuse.

"Well, I use two guns, so I should start training my left hand, right?" I question him. Zero sees my point, and I internally cheer that I got away with it for now.

"Alondra." I wince at the sound of Kaname's tone.

"Yeah?" I question him trying to seem as cool as possible.

"Is there something you'd like to tell us?" Uh oh! He's figuring me out!

"No, not really." Oh boy, stomach cramps. This lying is making me sick again.

"I should probably go home! I mean my parents are probably freaking out, and most likely questioning my sister." I say standing up, and keeping the towel from showing my right wrist.

"Thanks for the meal, Kaito. Just tell me where to toss the towel, and I'll be out of your hair." I say standing up from the seat, and finding a hamper. I toss the towel in, and reach for my other clothes. I go towards the door, but Kaito blocks it.

"What's the rush?" I smile, and I find keeping my cool harder and harder to keep.

"My parents are the rush." I say waving my hand in front of me in dismissal

"Is that right?" I nod my head.

"Hunters are trained to be vigilant. You're acting weirder than usual, and you seem to be hiding your right wrist a lot." I internally curse as I realize I wasn't as collected as I wanted to be.

"It's morning, and I don't like getting into trouble! Especially getting into trouble with my dad." I tell him, but looks like I'm losing this game of lies.

Vampire Knight: My Vampire NekosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora