Chapter 14

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It had been months since I last saw Olivia. I still wasn't over that beautiful girl; I don't think I ever will be. She's too incredible. Since we'd last saw each other on that awful afternoon on the sidewalk, the boys and I had gone on yet another tour.

I had hoped that the tour would have gotten my mind off of Olivia. It hadn't. I'd look into the crowd and I'd see the other boy's girlfriend’s and all I wanted was to see Olivia standing next to them and smiling up at me. I would have sang right too her while 'More Than This' was playing, I remembered that it was her favorite song. I would have blown kisses to her from across the stage, letting her know that I was still thinking of her. I would have given her little shout outs during the show to let everyone there know that my girlfriend was in the crowd. I would have loved to have her backstage before the show and have her give me good-luck kisses before I went on. I would have loved to hold her in my arms after the show was over to let her know that I missed being with her for those few hours. God, how I just wanted to be with her. 

My nightmares came back, the ones about Caitlyn. Not only those, though, I had dreams about the day Olivia walked out of my life. I wanted more than anything to have that memory leave my head, only it kept coming back, almost every single night. 

The only thing that was different this tour than the last was that I wasn't acting like a prick to the other boys. Sure, I wanted my space at times and they respected that, but I needed to be with people. I had spent too much time driving myself away from people in the past year, I needed to change that.

Even though I was on a bus with the boys for months, and I was surrounded by thousands of people every night during the shows, I still somehow felt so alone. I hated that feeling.

It was morning and the chill fall weather was coming in quickly. After I had my breakfast I had decided to go for a run. I needed something to clear my mind, even if running reminded me of the way Olivia and I had met. 

As I got out on the street I had planned on just going on my usual rout around the town, but I found myself running somewhere else: to Olivia’s.

I stood in front of Olivia’s townhouse, unsure of what to do next. I didn’t want to go knock on the door because I was afraid she would answer it. I was scared that she would close the door in my face and tell me that she never wanted to see me again. But I walked up and knocked.

I rocked back and forth on my heels. I waited a few moments and then knocked again.

Still no answer.

I turned to start running figuring that she just wasn’t home. I got fully around and maybe two steps before I ran into something, someone.

“I thought we were done with this,” I heard that familiar, beautiful voice giggle.

“You should have announced yourself,” I started as I helped her up to her feet. “You were the one that snuck up behind me.”

“You should have watched where you were going,” she countered and we both laughed. I missed her laugh, her smile, her everything. Everything about her was perfect.

I wanted to stay and talk to her. I wanted to be with her. But I didn’t want to abuse my welcome. It had been months since we’ve seen each other. She probably had a new boyfriend.

“Well I better be off,” I said before starting to move around her and jog off.

“Wait!” she called.

Thank God.

“It’s pretty cold out, wouldn’t you like to come in for some tea or coffee?” she asked as I turned around.

“I would love that,” I breathed out, letting a huge smile onto my face.

The inside of her townhouse was much nicer than the outside. It was very open and roomy, but in a cozy way. I sat down on the large leather couch as she walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot.

“It’ll only be a few minutes,” she noted as she walked out to the living room and sat next to me. “So, how was the tour? I heard you guys sold out pretty quickly.”

“It was amazing. The fans were loud, they always are.” I was looking at my hands when I talked. I knew if I looked up into her eyes I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from kissing her. “I wish I would have seen you at a few shows,” I blurted out.

“I wish you would have invited me,” she whispered back.

“I didn’t think you’d want to come back to me.”

“I didn’t either,” she admitted. “You hurt me, Harry, bad. I was embarrassed, I was let down. I felt horrible. I felt like I would never be able to trust you again. It was so hard for me to walk around town and see your face on every single magazine or store window. I wanted to try and forget everything that we’d been through in those few days.”

Maybe coming back here was a problem. I wanted to get Olivia out of my mind, and I wanted to get that day out of my mind. I messed up the good thing I had going for me, and she was bringing all of the horrible memories back to me.

Before I knew it her lips were crashing into mine. She hand my faces cupped in her hands. She pulled away and whispered looking into my eyes. “But you’ll always be with me.

I grabbed her head in mine and began kissing her hard. I missed the taste of strawberries on her lips. I wanted that taste on mine forever. “What do you say we start all over again?” she asked as she pulled away.

“I’d love that,” I breathlessly replied.

I laid her down on the couch and began kissing her neck. She moved her hands down my back and back up and intertwined her fingers in my hair. I missed her touch.

The coffee pot ringed signaling that it was finished brewing, but we didn’t care. We weren’t going to be interrupted this time. I wasn’t going to allow it. We were finally back together and I wasn’t going to let anything change that. I wasn’t going to screw it up. Not this time.

I moved a piece of hair away from her ear. “I love you, Olivia,” I whispered.

She put her hands on my face, forcing me to look into her eyes. “I love you, Harry,” she whispered back.

[A/N: I know this was just a quick ending to the story and I am really sorry about that. I know some of you said that you really liked this story, but the problem was I wasn’t really feeling it anymore. I didn’t want to just let it sit there unread and not updated for weeks while I tried to come up with something else to write. Sorry if this ending was unsatisfying to you guys. The good news is, I will be having a brand new story come out soon! It’ll be about Harry again, only it won’t be a ‘One Direction’ fanfic. It’s going to be a punk Harry fan fic because I have been addicted to punk Harry edits for the past three months. Let me know if you guys would be up for reading that, leave a comment letting me know and I’ll message you the link for it once it’s up and ready. I’m not sure exactly when it will be up. Once again sorry for this being a horrible ending to this story, I just couldn’t keep dragging it on. Love you all! Thanks for reading!]

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