5: Ignorance Is Bliss...

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"So should we say that you two are going steady or just partners in cheating?" I asked Breann as she walked back into the house. Monica and I had already known what went on and what was said between her and Brian, but, Breann was Breann and she wouldn't speak the truth about anything that may involve her doing something wrong.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about. We're just friends and we work together for goodness sakes. You know I can't get down like that! By the way Liyah, you know you're so lucky to have a good man like Will to be by your side. He's all comforting and caring, a real sincere man. Those are really hard to come by." She said plopping down on the couch where Monica and I sat.

I smiled at her comment, "Yeah I guess I am, but I'm not dumb enough to have him as my one and only, if y'all know what I mean. Especially since his best friend is your man." Mama didn't raise no fool, and I was never going to be one. If Will ever starts tripping and slips up like Joe has I would be ready to keep it moving. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Breann and Monica both looked at me like I was crazy for awhile, until Monica broke the silence, "You can't be serious Liyah! You are really stupid for doing that to Will. That man worships the ground you walk on with your ugly ass feet. Just because Joe is a dog doesn't me a damn thang, you know Will wouldn't do that at all. He's been getting onto Joe's ass from day one for always slipping up."

I rolled my eyes at both of them, "Whatever, y'all acting like the man is perfect and he is not! I mean damn, the other man is just a sideline. He will never takes Will place ever! I don't even do anything with him, lets just call him a backup actually. I love Will, and I always will. I'm just trying to protect myself here."

"Wow Liyah, you sound just like someone I know... my no good for nothing ass husband. Y'all must his partners in crime or something. We gonna call you Lying Liyah." Breann said. That kinda hurt my feelings when she said it, but it was true I guess. How could I criticize her relationship when I was in the wrong too? Guess I have some cleaning up I do on my own.

Monica starting laughing, "Hey Bre don't be trying to change the subject now, back to you! Now you know we won't judge you if you wanted to holla at Mr. Brian, well at least I won't. I don't know about cuz over here though. Liyah what you think about those two maybe hooking up or something?"

"Breann is a good woman, we both know that, if you make my cousin happy and you're happy, I'm happier for you. And Breann we know what he said. Please don't let my cousin fall too hard for you if you don't plan on giving him a chance."

"You two are really too much for me. Listen Brian is a really nice guy, but he shouldn't be the subject of this conversation right now. If he and I are meant to be it will happen sooner or later. What's most important right now is me and my situation that I have found myself in. Am I just suppose to be ignorant to all that has goes down to get back at Joe or what?" Breann asked.

"Well...." I slowly turned to my left to face Breann as I sat on the other end of the couch, "You have been a fool in this situation for a while. Can you honestly say that you never knew Joe was sleeping around on you? Or has he really been treating you like a princess, catering to all your needs?"

I could see Breann's expression change instantly, I must have hit a nerve, "Not that that's any of you damn business Liyah, but what the hell are you trying to say anyway? That I would be, no that was dumb enough to stay with a man who cheats and hurts me?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying because that's what you did!" I said snapping right back at her.

Monica stepped back in to say something, "I believe what Liyah means Bre is that we've been knowing for a while that Joe's ass was no good, but we couldn't figure out why you didn't. You forget that you have been telling us all what's been going on with you two? We've been knowing he was sleeping around with Kasey for a long time. Liyah and I just didn't feel like it was our place to interject because we know how you get when we try to."

"Wait a minute, who the hell is Kasey? And why is it that my two best friends knew so much but never failed to inform me or at least give me a damn hint? I wouldn't have bit your heads off!" Breann said standing up almost screaming at us.

I stood up right along with her, "We did try to tell you about it! Kasey is our old roommate that stayed here for about five months. We kicked her ass out because we found out what she was doing with your husband. You met her plenty of times, don't remember? We tried to tell you during our lunches, at Christmas dinner, my birthday dinner, so may times, but you didn't listen." She was acting as if she didn't just leave a house where she saw Joe fucking another woman. Come on now, she can't be that damn dumb!

"She did look familiar, but in all my rage I wasn't paying attention to knowing her. Hell, I didn't care to know her.. It was my husband that did the wrong, not her. He was the one that vowed to love me unconditionally, in sickness and in health, to protect me and never to hurt me, to cherish me as his wife. She is just another pawn in his chess game, just like I have been for years. So yeah, I probably was blind to all this because I loved his selfish ass. Love can make you do some stupid things. But a person can only do as much to you as you allow right? That asshole!" I could see tears slowly begin to stream down her face as she said those words.

I walked over to where Breann now stood and wrapped my arms around her, embracing her in a hug, "You know me and Monica will always be here for you. Nothing you can ever say or do will change that...we're sisters til the end. Whatever decision you make you know we got your back. Even if one of those decisions is just do a drive by your house and mess Joe's ass all up!" Monica also walked over to her and embraced her as well agreeable with me. "It's time to start a new girl, this is your opportunity and my cousin is ready to not fill someone else's shoes, but bring in his own better pair."

She laughed lightly at my comment, "I'm sure he is girl, but I need to make sure I'm ready before I bring him into the picture though. I think I'll start now too. If it's alright, can I stay here tonight just to clear my head? I will be out by morning, just gotta get my strategy in order."

"You know you're more than welcome; our casa a su casa." I said smiling at her. I really did wish Breann luck as she ventures on to really screw Joe over as he done to her for some many years. More importantly, I wished her happiness, rather it be with Brian or not. She didn't know this, but Will and I have always thought they would be good together. It was just a good coincidence that he found her place work and happened to meet her. That's what you call fate for you I guess.

Yeah I know, I'm double extra wrong for having a sideline while with Will, but I know how to take care of the other man easily. Which is what I plan on doing and Will will never have to know. He really is almost perfect, he doesn't deserve me mistreating him.

We all slept in the living room just like we used to when we were all college roommates. That was of course before Joe came into the picture and took our roomie away from us our Senior year. While Monica and Breann slept I sat up and thought. I thougth about that one thing my grandmother would always tell me, We can prevent a lot of hurt that ourselves and the ones we love go through if we would just care a little more." I knew she wouldn't be proud of me having two men when only one really loved me. I texted Will that I loved him and that I would see him soon. I let me dreams and love for Will drift me off into a deep slumber.

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