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Back at the main hall, Hopkins was pretty sure his lungs were melting every time he drew a breath. Charlie leaned on his knees, sweating and swearing. Holt, otherwise, was stunned.

The figure of the eagle on the floor was completed and retreated like a lid, giving space to a spiral staircase leading down again. Hopkins grunted. You gotta be fucking kidding.

"Enough, Holt," Hopkins said in a tired voice, raising his hands when a thug pointed its rifle. Clark and Spankin' breathed heavily, waiting. "I opened your damned Vault. Let us go."

"Oh, now that we're so close, Mr. Hopkins?" Holt chuckled, raising his pistol to Clark's head. "Don't be such a killjoy! Ms. Clark's dying to see the the Romanov's Vault. Now, would you kindly get down?"


After a labyrinth of stone coffins, skeletons and doors using the same lever system, they were, finally, inside the Romanov's Vault.

It was another rounded hall, with staircases leading to a hidden second floor. Everything inside the crypt was made of gold, stone and decorated with amethysts. The imperial eagle, carved high on the wall, guarded the golden coffin and the silver chests scattered around the walls. Holt's eye sparkled when his hand touched the coffin. "Finally. After all these years. Peter's coffin and all the Romanov's treasure will be mine."

A thug shoved Clark, and before she could hit the floor, Spankin' and Hopkins held her. Then, she did something that made Hopkins shiver. Elizabeth Clark blinked an eye, like she had a plan, a way out. Lord help us.

Holt's men darted their lanterns across the room, bringing big reflectors through the spiral staircase. With a bright light shining in the hall, the Romanov's Vault was even wealthier. The thugs carried some chests, while others kept aiming rifles to Hopkins, Clark and Spankin'.

When the men started opening the coffin of Peter The Great, Holt snickered, shaking his head. "You know what's the best part of this myth, Ms. Clark? 'Whoever finds the secret entrance to the Romanov's Vault shall be the most powerful creature on Earth.' Power. That's why I did it."

"You think these jewels will give you, like, super powers?" Spankin' furrowed her brow. "Man, you're such a fucking weirdo."

"You think you're smart, aren't you, girl?" Holt pointed his pistol to Spankin'. Clark stood between them, her face holding a stern expression that made Holt chuckle, raising his eyebrows. "Ms. Clark, I never thought you were the motherly type! What a surprise. But let's move on, shall we? Tell me your impressions of the Romanov's Vault so I can kill you and end this."

Hopkins opened his mouth to swear, but Clark smiled, nodding to the walls. What are you doing?

"It's beautiful. A fine work of architecture and—" Clark threw a stone up, making a horde of bats fly from the ceiling. The thugs, suddenly caught by the bats, bended and swore. Clark kicked a man and took his gun. "To the stairs!"

Gunshots marked the walls, and they ran, avoiding the bullets. Hopkins heard Holt shouting, filling every stone of the Romanov's Vault with the same phrase.

Kill them, you idiots!


[A.N.] Aaaand we're six chapters away from the grand finale! Hope you like it, guys! Let me know what you think about the story on the comments below! :)) xrachel

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