• e t e r n i t y

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He entered the luxurious lobby of the Hotel Bogotá and walked to the bar. Hopkins waited eight months, twenty days, nine hours and fourteen goddamn minutes to see her again.

But who's counting, right?

Liam Hopkins would've recognized Elizabeth Clark anywhere in the world, at any piece of eternity she would've decided to hide. Hopkins just didn't hope to see her behind the bar, cleaning the cups with a white flannel.

When he said buenos días, Clark raised her head. A shadow darkened her green eyes for two seconds. She smiled cordially and reciprocate the greeting.

It was hard to catch Clark unprepared. She was always three steps ahead of everything and everyone.

So Hopkins liked to see, even for two seconds, the surprise in her eyes.

"Having fun, Liz?" he asked, smirking. His scar itched where he got shot, but Hopkins ignored it and blinked. "I thought you and Charlie were fucking in some Caribbean beach after you two back stabbed me."

She didn't answer it. The hotel bar was empty, except for a tubby gentleman reading the El Espectador in a corner.

"Three months in a Turkish prison and not a fucking word." He clenched his jaw and gazed at her. "If it wasn't for Spankin', I would—"

"Spankin' is alive?" she stopped cleaning the whiskey cup. Hopkins snickered and Clark pressed the cloth against the bar table. "Fuck you, ok? You seemed dead, Spankin' seemed dead, and everything went to shit. I ran away with Charlie. What did you want me to do? Go back and share a fucking prison cell with you?" she said and squinted her green eyes. "Don't be so naive."

"Fuck you," he snapped. "Where's your precious Charlie right now? Where's the necklace?" She knitted her eyebrows. "Shit, are you fucking deaf? Where's the—"

"I don't wanna talk about this now. Let's go to my room, and there—"

"It won't work, Clark," Hopkins snickered. That woman was fucking unbelievable. "You can't think sex solves everything. Especially after you betrayed and robbed me."

"Don't be stupid, Liam," she answered back, leaning on the bar. Her look was serious. "Let's go to my room. You have no idea of what's happening in this shit."

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