Chelsea Smile

Depuis le début

~Skip Car Ride~

After a couple of heated words with some nurses and doctors, Jordan and I were led to a waiting room on the maternity ward. As soon as Emma saw us she stood up and ran over to Jordan throwing her arms around him, it was only as I approached her that I noticed blood splatters on her top. Was that Kara's blood?

"Oh my god Oli, I'm so glad you could make it. Why was your phone off?"

Emma pulls away from Jordan and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug; her voice was croaky as if she'd been crying. I guess it must have been shocking and stressful since Kara was her best friend and she treated her own daughter.

Jordan explains why all our phones were off and Emma understands. But before I could ask her Kara's condition a doctor walked into the room and came towards us.

"Is one of you the father of the child Kara Andrews is having?"

I nod and step forward "That would be me, can you tell me what's going on? Are they both okay?"

The doctor nods "It looks like the umbilical cord got caught around the baby including her neck which put her into foetal distress. But we're about to perform an emergency caesarean now that we've stabilised Kara and got her blood count back to a normal amount. They should both pull through."

Jordan pats me on the back as I let out the breath I'd been holding. I just wanted both my fiancé and daughter to be healthy and in my arms.


When I came to I was lying in a hospital bed. I don't really remember about the ride here, I zoned out after the doctor told me they had to perform a caesarean to get the baby out because she was in distress. Apparently, I'd lost some blood that had to be put back inside me before I had the surgery.

A nurse quietly moves around the room and jumps slightly as she looks over at me and sees me staring at her. I try to sit up but pain shoots across my stomach making me gasp and flinch.

"Try and stay still Kara, you don't want to pop the stitches." The nurse fiddles with a control by my bed which makes the bed lift slowly that I was in an upright position.

"Is my baby okay?"

The nurse whose name tag read Charlie smiled warmly at me before squeezing my hand.

"You have a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Now she's a month early so is slightly smaller than most babies. I'll go and get her."

Charlie quickly leaves the room leaving me in my own silence. All that mattered was my baby girl. I then wondered if Emma managed to get in touch with Oli and the others, I'd hate if Oli didn't know his daughter had been born. Did he know about the complication? I really wanted to see him.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Charlie re-enters the room pushing a little plastic crib kart. She rolls it up to the side of the bed and I gasp as I glance down at my daughter.

"Would you like to hold her Kara?"

I nod unable to speak which causes Charlie to laugh as she wraps the baby up in a pink blanket before handing her gently to me. Oh, my god, she was so small, the blankets swamped her.

"Hi little one, I'm your mummy. I'm so happy to meet you."

"There are some people in the waiting room. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say the one covered in tattoos and constantly pacing is the father."

I nod thinking about Oli pacing "yeah that sounds like Oli, he's the father. Do you think he can come in first alone before the others Charlie?"

"Of course Kara, I'll go and get him."

Drop Dead (Oliver Sykes/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED* Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant