And The Snakes Start To Sing

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"Hello Kara, are you still there? I think she might be up to something, she said she'd read up some information about if you'd relapsed and lied to me that when the baby was born it would be taken from you while you were sectioned in rehab."

I was surprised I hadn't dropped the phone as tears pricked my eyes. Was my mother really that heartless that she'd try to get my baby taken off me and get me put in rehab?

"What did you tell her Frank? I haven't relapsed, I had my meeting with you and then hospital scans the rest of the day."

"I didn't tell her that your meeting was in fact at the exact time she said you'd relapsed via cutting yourself on your thighs and taking one too many sleeping pills. If she tries anything suspicious I'm on your side, she can't do anything since I have evidence of your meeting and you'll be on hospital CCTV."

I was happy Frank was such a good doctor and great human being. He didn't have to ring me up to warn me, but he had which was probably against hospital rules or something. Now I knew why my parents were coming over.

"Thank you, Frank, for my mum's actually invited herself around with Oli's parents right now. Can I keep you updated on the situation? Thank you for telling me, I can't believe my own mum would sell me out."

"The pleasures all mine Kara; you're going to be a great mother no matter how much your mum seems to despise you and Oli. Please do keep me updated, I have a patient now so goodbye."

He hangs up and I'm left in a silent room with only my dark thoughts to keep me company. How could the women who birthed and raised me all these years turn around and stab me in the back, a two-faced woman who lied to my face and plotted behind my back to take away my child? She said I was sick but what did that make her? I wasn't the one wrong in the head. Oli once asked me what my favourite lyric was and I told him that because of my past it was 'true friends stab you in the front'. Now that lyric seemed more relevant than ever with my own mum.

I was snapped out of my head by the sound of the back door opening and closing signalling Oli was home. Unless my parents climbed over the back gate and decided to sneak in and take me by surprise, I wouldn't put it past them anymore.


"In the living room Oli, I need to tell you something you won't believe."

Oli walks into the living room slightly out of breath, then I realised he must have run from his office and sped home before parking at the end of the street and ran all the way here. He sits down next to me and opens his arms which I happily crawl into, I felt safe in his arms.

"What do you think is going on?" he speaks with worry lacing his words as he kisses the top of my head.

I recount to him my phone call with Dr Iero and by the end, his worry has gone, replaced with rage towards my mum. I then explain my theory about how she roped my dad and his parents into the plan. If the baby was taken from us my mum and dad could raise her and his mum and dad would either be the aunt and uncle or godparents.

"She can't do that." He hisses and clenches his fist.

"We have more than enough evidence that it's all made up Oli. If anything we should maybe record the conversation so that we can use it against them." I grab his clenched fist and force it open before lacing my fingers through his "This is just another test, no one's taking our baby from us even if that means icing the parents out."

Oli simply nods in silent agreement just as the bell on the front door goes off. I tense in my seat and Oli strokes my back to calm me down. The small gesture does the trick and I take deep breaths, how hard could it be to face my parents and pretend to not know about their betrayal?

Drop Dead (Oliver Sykes/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED* Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz