Dragon Mountian

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Hiccup POV.
How does she fly with all that crystal?
We fly side by side. Her wings clink like wind chimes.
A large, black, shining mountain looms in front of us. I have the chest in my paws, the same way Toothless carried my craddle 20 years ago. It has four leather handles, one for each foot.
Snow wispers, "I didn't expect the Dragon Boy to be a Fury. I expected a Nadder, or a Monsterous Nightmare. Those are rare these days. I didn't expect the true kings of dragons to bost the Dragon Boy!"
I smile. Everybody says Night Furies are the true kings. Why I wonder?
We land on the top of the mountain.
Snow wispers with a voice like a wind chime, "Call your call, dragon boy. They will come."
I call off the mountain tops.
Then the sound of chimes and bells joins my calls.
A large multicoloured swirl forms on the horizon.
I warble in confusion. Then a mass of black joins it. Then it rushes at us.
I back up, and place my wings in front of my face to protect myself.
Snow pushes my wings down.
Rwoar? Rwoar rwoar?
I reply, "Hello?"
The swirl is getting closer and closer. Athabaster and Sky are carrying Toothless, and seem to be happy.
The key bumps my chest.
Then Snow wispers, "Turn to your true form, Dragon Boy."
I turn to my true form. Snow smiles.
She notices my lack of a foot, and frowns.
She asks, "How did you loose it?"
I laugh, "From my best friend saving my life."
She watches Sky and Athabaster set down my brother.
Snow swirls her delicate paw. A green ball forms.
She shoots it at Toothless. I freeze to the spot. No. Please no. Did she just kill him with me watching?
Toothless stirs. He stands, shaking.
His eyes have a blue tinge. The tinge fades, and he stares at Snow with gratitude and respect,
He bows.
Snow laughs, "Ah. You both are missing limbs! The fault of the other, not doubt."
We turn red. The mass of dragons land. I smile at Toothless.
Toothless rises from a bow, and asks, "What's going on?"
Snow replies, "The Key has been uncovered after six centuries. Now, it shall be used for one more time. I had created it to save the dragons from the vikings, by locking the contents of this chest away. Now, it may resurface once more."
I smile at my brother.
He smiles back. Then, he transforms into a human.
I pat his shoulder. We wait for all the dragons to land.
Astrid hops off Stormfly. The other teens appear as well.
They look confused. They look from me to Toothless.
I introduce, "Toothless, everybody else. Everybody else, Toothless."
They stand, frozen to the spot.
Snotlout wispers, "Who is who?"
We smile at each other. We both walk towards Snotlout.
I ask, "Who do yah think? Use your brain."
Toothless agrees, "Good idea, bud."
That draws Astrid over. She has Sky.
Astrid walks over to Toothless. She stares him down. Toothless stares back. Astrid walks over to me. I stare at her back. Then she calls Sky. Sky sniffs Toothless, and chases Astrid away from him. Toothless smiles.
He turns Fury. I do the same. Astrid glares playfully.
She walks over to Stormfly, and smirks.
What is she doing?
Toothless has a look of realization on his face. He drops to the ground, coveing his body wih his wings. I mimick him.
I peek out, and Stormfly is standing by me. She peeks her head down, and sees me.
She warbles, laughing.
I notice a something wierd about her though...

I whisper "Astrid?"She warbles then takes off

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I whisper "Astrid?"
She warbles then takes off. What the heck.
She smiles. I take off after her. Toothless groans. Stormfly is flying after us, and Toothless begins to chase her. Then Sky rushes up after him. Athabaster just sits back, laughing. We swirl through the air.
Astrid smiles. I smile back, and we dive down.
Toothless and Stormfly don't follow us down. A whistling fills the air. Astrid glares, and I realize I'm leaving her behind. I slow myself, and she catches up.
We land in sync. We turn to our normal selves.
I walk up to the chest. Toothless, Sky, and Stormfly land behind me. I notice the key is gone. I gasp.
Snow gestures to Toothless. I turn into a Night Fury.
The key bounces against my chest. Astrid turns into a Nadder. The other teens stay dumb found.
I grab the key with my dexterous fore paws.
Cloudjumper and Skull Crusher land by Snow.
Snow bows to Cloudjumper.
Cloudjumper bows back.
Mom and Dad seem confused as to why they're here.
I look at them. Valka understands, I can tell. Stoick, not so much.
Valka explains it to him, and I remove the key from my neck.
The dragons bow, except Astrid. Mutters slip through the crowd.
I hold it gently, afraid to break it.
I bring it to the chest. The key hole glows the blue.
The key glows blue as well.
I look to Snow, but she remains bowed.
I push the key into the lock. I twist it with my paws. Click. Rrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnngggggg.
Then it all goes dark.... it all goes dark.,,,

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