Time lapse 3 months

128 1 3

Soooooo many Night Furies, so little time! I'm in the middle of the Night Fury sanctuary, and it's ocean of Night Furies. Toothless is happy every day here, I guess he fits in better than with the other dragons.  At first I worried about loosing Toothless in the crowd, but I rembered his unique red tail fin. The other Furies accepted me automatically, unlike the other alphas did.
Many of the Night Furies have riders, and the riders like Berk so much that they're considering moving out of the sanctuary to Berk! My dad loves the idea of more vikings in the village.... but not 30 more Toothlesses!
He said "I'm getting gray hair with one of him! Never mind 31 of him!"
I just laughed.
Then an idea bounced into my head "What if we opened it to all dragons?"
I ask Toothless about it, and he says "Why not? If we get some Gronkcles, we can expand the sanctuary!"
I walk outside, and carve all the symbols in a circle around the strike class symbol. The the healthy Furies and riders begin spreading the word to other domains. They return with promises of broadcasts. We go down and get enough fish for all 100 Night Furies. Alot of Night Furies, I know.
We come back with baskets of fish, and Toothless and I go check on the wounded.
One young Night Fury in the injured area hobles over to us.
It hugs Toothless and shreeks "I missed you! Dagger is so mean."
Her blue eyes rang a loud bell in my head.
Toothless backs up, confusion and pain on his face.
He asks, cautiously, "Sk.... Sky?"
She smiles a gummy smile, and nods. Toothless goes nuts after. He flys over the sanctuary, and roars with glee. The signature Night Fury Mate Spin (What Sky & Toothless did in book 1 in the sanctuary) is preformed by the happy Furies. Other Night Furies do their equivalent of clapping, which is stomping like a herd of stampeding Gronkcles.  I covered my ears. The pounding shakes the ground. A black Monsterous Nightmare gasps as he looks in. He obviously can't see me, but he does see all the Night Furies. He creeps in, looking terrified. The pounding stops, and I stand up. The Monsterous Nightmare growls at me. I snarl back, and Toothless comes to my side. The other riders went for a hike, to clear their heads.
It roars, backing up.
I tell him "I won't harm you. Please, come in."
He flys in, and we begin chatting.
He says "I am Shadow. I was sent to scout this place out, but I think my family will be safe here. Nothing will get past this many Night Furies!"
I sigh "Ah, but somebody is capturing them for training. Which is why we're here. We are trying to save them, before it's too late.."
Shadow nods his head in deep thought, then replies, "I've heard talk of riders moving to Berk. Is this true? Is it safe?"
Toothless responds, "We live there part time. The cheif is unsure what to do with 30 of us, but he'll figure it out. "
Shadow notes, "I've noticed you're bigger than the other of your kind, but your rider is the right size for you. How is this so?"
Toothless chuckles "Ah, that we don't really know. But I learnt about the gas Furies give off during sleep. I believe it has affected him, somehow. When I found him, I saw a Night Fury in his human form. It puzzles me. The village elders can't even understand it."
The Monsterous Nightmare warbles "It was said that a dragon boy was born on Berk. Nobody believed Cloudjumper, but I see know that we were wrong. I shall have to apologize to him."
He looks into my eyes with the focus of a skilled and experienced hunter.
He wispers "I have met the dragon boy. I don't believe he is real. It is  like a dream."
I ask, confused "What do you mean? Dragon boy?"
He replies "Long ago there was an alpha gathering, to discuss the humans who caused casualties to many of our troops. A Night Fury as old as time itself walked in, speaking of a dragon boy who would be born of our worst enemy. Berk. We stared at him, but he raised his regal head, and nodded. With that he was gone, like magic. A voice echoed through the hall.
It said "He will bring your worlds together. He will be of human and dragon blood. Beware, crossing him and his kin will be the demise of yorselves. Daggers will threaten, but wings will save. Pay heed to this, for it be the difference between survival and destruction.""
I rub the back of my neck, embarrassed. All the dragons  stare at me with dangerously curious intent. Then a white flash blinds me, and then darkness follows.
I rub Toothless, but he isn't there. I look around for clues, but black circles lay on the floor. I follow them out the door, and nearly faint. The sanctuary is empty, and a symbol is carved into the stone entrance. A dagger.
The stone also has a few quick runes into it.
They read "Guess who, dragon boy? If you wish to save them, turn yourself in! Meet me at the east coast by Snoggletof, at midnight, or I'll find you, your choice!"
I roar into the wind. A burning anger  fills my chest. I pound the wall as I roar. A resounding BAM follows. My fist  left a dent, but no time for that now.
The Monsterous Nightmare exclaims "Let's get to the east coast! If we both go, we can capture the leader."
I agree, and we fly out. The twilight sky offers comfort and safety as we fly. I pat Shadow in thanks. I am a total stranger to him, but he allows me to be on his neck. He banks suddenly, and we go to a land renown for Monsterous Nightmares and Flightmares. We land near a volcano. The Nightmare Nest. Home of the Mega Nightmare.....

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