Downed Dragon

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We land in the cove Astrid shot us down in. True to Storm Gliders words, a Night Fury was downed with a bola. It lay very still. I warble to it. It groans, and rolls over. I look away. A red scar lay down the lenght of its' stomach.
I command "Hiccup, take Storm Cutter to go get Gothi. NOW!"
They are gone in secounds. I begin licking the wound, and leaving the bola. I don't know how he's hurt, I better leave the bola. The wound stops bleeding. Our best feature, healing spit. Wierd, but it works wonders on everything. Hiccup, other dragons, Hiccup. So maybe I use it alot on Hiccup, so Astrid doesn't find out we crashed into a tree.
They arrive with Gothi and Gobber. I am the only thing, next to Gothis' Terrible Terrors, that Gothi doesn't dare whack with her staff.

She pets my head, and inspects the dragon. A rush of fear hits me. Where's Sky? Oh no! OH NO!
I put my tail in auto, and fly to the nest, being sure to be undectable. I dove into the nest. Sky? Sky? Sk...Sk.... Sky? My brain was in melt down. I ran all over Berk, and flew all over my domain for her. Not again! Please not again! I don't want to loose her for good this time!
I land back at the cove, panting. The Night Fury flies away from Berk, as if a monster is on its' tail fins.
I collapse, exhausted. I fall asleep there, right on the edge of the cove.
Sky? I see Sky standing on a ledge, and fly to her. Everytime I get close she flys away.
I call "Sky, wait! It is me, Toothless!"
She hisses, and flys away. I try to, but my artificial tail fin is unlocked. I try to lock it, but it's stuck.  I try using my mind to bring her back, but it doesn't work. She has already left me for another alpha. I screech the saddest sound I can, then the angriest. Then I just cry and warble. Cry and warble.
Dream ends..

Hiccup is nudging my shoulder. I nearly take his hand off. He jumps back. Gothi beats him on the head, yet again. He yelps. I stand up, but just fall over again. What happened here? I keep trying, and falling. I keep this up for a while, everybody watching me. I feel like a beached Scaldron. Left to flop about like a fish. Because nobody dares to touch it, until it is too  tired to care about dignity.
Hiccup lifts me up, with everybody helping him. I feel unsteady. I try unfolding my wings, for balance, but end up hitting Hiccup in the face. I try to see if he's okay, but end up lying across him. I stand up, wobbling. Hiccup stands up, and helps stabilize my wobbly legs. A tight ring on my neck prevents me from breathing, so I scratch at it. I almost have it, when it seems to tighten, then it falls off. I begin to breath normaly, and gain stability. I look at Hiccup, who looks very small. Storm Glider also looks very small, but that can not be. I must have climbed a hill. I look down. The ground is flat. How though? Hiccup and I are the same size? Flash. Much better. Hiccup is the same size as normal, but Storm Glider is still small. Gothi growls in confusion. I feel Hiccup spring onto my back.
He tells me "We are titan sized, bud! No clue how I am, but we are! We did it, bud. Now, we don't need to worry much. Hey, what's wrong?"
He stops breathing. Wha.... He slips off, but I catch him. This makes no sense. This makes absolutely no sense. Why is Hiccup doing this? Why is Sky gone? Where is the other Night Fury? Grrr... I begin a steady stream of curses as my wings get heavier and heavier. I look down at Hiccup. Why is he so heavy? I wouldn't be getting weak, would I?
I set Hiccup down, and he flops to the ground. Lovely. I place him on his bed. I try waking him up, but it doesn't work. I try everything. Food smells, cold water, the works. I call for Gothi. She simply shrugs and hobbles off. What th... GOTHI? Come back! Something is seriously wrong here!
I call Astrid, who explains to Gothi. Gothi wacks me on the head, but I don't mind. She checks for injuries, and shrugs.
Gobber translates "She doesn't see anything wrong. You sure he didn't get food poisoning, Toothless?"
I nod, and Astrid translates "He tastes Hiccups food first, with out him knowing it. He would have gotten sick as well."
Gothi nods, and pulls a wineskin out. We all gasp. She drinks that? She dumps it over Hiccups' face. Nothing.  I tell Astrid about the titan issue, and she tells it to Gothi.
Gothi glares at me and speaks clearly for once "Was he raised with Mr. Night Fury?"
We all nod.
She facepalms and growls "Night Furies give off a clear, tasteless, scentless, gas while raising young. Even though they were the same age, Toothless did. That gas ensures certian Night Fury genes get into their young. Like titan ability, speed, love for flight and other living creatures..... HINT HINT!"
We all fall silent, and everybody stares at me.
I wisper "Not my fault."
Gothi agrees that I am not to blame for this. She says the one to blame is the one who left him with Tooothless overnight his whole life. I feel like curling up in a corner and dying. My fault.
I tell Astrid what had happened during Hiccups childhood. She translates it to Gothi.
She replies "Then it is no ones fault. Toothless bonded with Hiccup, and his instincts told him to gaurd Hiccup. So he did, and kept Valka away from Hiccup. Which kept her from noticing the effects the gas has on people."
I ask "So what does this mean, will he be okay? Will he turn into a dragon? What?"
Gothi smiles sadly "I don't know. We must wait... and make sure he stays with Toothless. If they are seperated it may do further damage. Now let's get him to Toothless' stall. They both need...."
Flash. Toothless falls over again. Gothi groans, lifting him with Gobbers' help. He seems bigger again. We get Stormfly, Barf, Belch, Grump, Skullchrusher, and Hookfang to move them to Toothless' stall.  A distant flash reoccures. Musy have been Hiccup again. I hope he's alright.....

A Night Fury's Eyes (HTTYD FAN-FIC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon