Chapter 19

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Today's Halloween, the twins happen to be born in the day before Halloween. So Dad, Louis, and Liam are watching the twins. They were still sleeping so me and Niall took King. We walked in the store and went to the costume aisle. I FaceTimed Dad, he answered and Sky was in his lap.

"Mummy!" Sky squealed.

"What do you want to be?" I asked.

"Spiderman!" Sky said. "Reece want Superman."

"Ok, I'll be home soon. Bye, I love you." I said.

"Love you too!" Then I hung up. I got Sky a Spider Man outfit but it had a tutu attached to it. I got Reece a Superman costume.

"I want Batman!" King said. And I got a Batman costume. I went to the Checkout. I put the costumes up there and paid for it. Niall had King and I had the bags with the costumes in it. I put the costumes in the trunk and got in the passenger seat and buckled up. Niall put King in his car seat and buckled him in. Then he drove us home.

When we got home Sky ran to me. I picked her up and got Reece too. "Come on King." King followed me and to the bathroom. I ran the water in the tub. Niall came and got the boys. He put them in the tub and I took Sky to the other bathroom. "Let's get away from the boys." I said.

"Yeah," she said. I helped her undress and started the water. I put her in the tub. "My dollie." She said getting a doll from a shelf.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Hallie Horan." She told me. She brung up a boy doll. "Her friend Hale Horan."

"Oh," I said.

"She loves him." She said and played with her dolls. I put soap in and got a washcloth. I put soap on her and rinsed it off. I took her out and wrapped a towel around her. "Burreeto!" I nodded my head and dried her off.

I got a Trick or Treat shirt that had candy on it and a black and orange tutu. I also got her some black boots. I helped her dress and put her on my hip. I went to the boys and Reece had on black jeans and an orange shirt that had a pumpkin face on it, with orange shoes. King had a black shirt with bones on it and some jeans with orange and black tennis shoes. Then we watched TV.

We watched SpongeBob, Wonder Pets, and Max and Ruby Halloween episodes. Then Liam came with a pumpkin. We went to him. He cut off the top. I let King, Sky, and Reece scoop out some. "Mummy, I hurt pummkin." Sky whined.

"The pumpkin is fine." I said and picked her up.

"No, I hurt him!" She yelled. She had tears in her eyes. "I hurt him!" She laid her head on my shoulder. Niall and Harry helped the boys. Then Liam carved a smiley face in it. Sky was asleep on my shoulder. Then we watched some Dora. At five I woke up Sky and helped her put on her costume. Then Dad helped King and Niall help Reece. I got a piece of Reece's hair and got some gel and made a curl.

I lit a candle and put it in the Jack o Lantern. I set it outside and got the pumpkin buckets and gave it to King, Sky, and Reece. Then we went Trick or Treating.

1 hour later

We walked to the last house. King rang the doorbell. Ruff ruff! A deep loud bark came from the house. Then someone opened the door and had a fake chainsaw that looked and sounded real. He was dressed up as a vampire. All the kids that was at the door screamed and most of them were crying. I picked up Sky and Reece and put them on my hip. King was with Niall. We walked home and I let them eat a piece of candy before they went to bed. Sky ate a lollipop, Reece ate M&M's, and King ate a 3 musketeers.

"I want sister." Sky said when I put her to bed.

"Me too." The boys said. I tucked them in blew kisses and said goodnight. I went downstairs.

"They want a sister." I said. "All of them, even Reece."

"Do you want another kid?" Dad asked.

"I don't know, I guess." I said honestly.

"Do what you want." Niall said.

"Well, if I have another one, this is going to be my last." I told them.

"Well come on, let's get another child." Niall said and led me to our room.

"Goodnight guys!" I said and walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight." They said.

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