Chapter 17

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I ran to the edge of the pool, there was soap in it. Reece went to the Sprinklers and dodged all the water then Mummy came with a tarp and put baby oil and water on it. Reece and King ran through it and slipped and slid to the end.

I went and got a water balloon and threw it at Reece. He chased me and I fell into the pool. I was scared and screaming. My life jacket floated me on my back and water was going in my ears making things sound foggy. "Help!" I screamed kicking my legs. I leaned forward and tries to balance upright, but I went back on my back. I screamed and someone got me. It was Mummy and Daddy was behind her with Reece. Mummy put me on her hip and took me out the pool. She gave me a water gun and I shit Daddy and Gampa and Reece. They were all in the pool. King came and tripped and did a bellyflop into the pool.

I sprayed King and Gampa. "I got you!" I screamed. Daddy got Reece and they started spraying me and Mummy. I started laughing. The water was ice cold. "Cold!" I screamed. I sprayed Reece and he shivered. Then Gampa got King and got a water gun. I sprayed in the air and it came down like freezing rain. It had an abrupt ending. Then I ran and Mummy, Uncle Liam, Daddy, Uncle Louis, and Gampa got water guns and we were all squirting each other. I went to the Slip and Slide tarp. I slid on my back and sprayed everywhere. I slid all the way to the end and got up. I ran straight through the sprinklers and under the bucket when it fell. A lot of water came down and I could barely see. Then I got pushed down. I started pouting and tears fell down my face but they blended in with all the water on my face. I got up and went to Reece. He was laughing at the edge of the pool. I pushed him in and he screamed. I smiled when he fell in.

"Sibling Rivalry!" Uncle Louis yelled and picked up Mummy and threw her in. Uncle Liam ran and picked me up and jumped in. I screamed and I went under and came back up. Daddy picked up King and threw him in and dove in before Gampa ran to push him in. He tripped and fell in right on top of Daddy. Uncle Louis came back up. "Sibling rivalry!" Uncle Louis shouted and jumped up. "Rivalry!" He splashed and pushed Uncle Liam down. I splashed my way to Reece splashed him.

"Ok cake!" Mummy said getting out and calling us to the place she called Tiki Hut. We all went over to the Tiki Hut and sat on stools around a table.

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