Chapter 12

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Kingston's memories...

-Started crawling at three months
-eating somethings, besides milk and formula at four months
-first word 'no' at six months
-eight months stopped drinking formula
-nine months started some conversations and started walking started teething
-ten months got Nanny who he calls 'nana'
-one year ate cake for first time
-one year one months met dogs
-one year two months NOW!

"Mummy!" Kingston yelled. "Nana got cookies!" I ran to him he had a cookie in his hand half eaten.

"Don't you finish that cookie." I dared. He giggled and ran. When I finally went to him Niall had him and ate the cookie. Kingston was upside down.

"No Daddy!" Kingston screamed and Niall flipped him over and he ran to Louis. "You candy?" He asked smiling.

"No I don't have candy." Louis said pulling out a lollipop. "I have lollipop!"

"Lolli!" Kingston took the lollipop and ran to his room. "Mine!" He said before he shut his door. He somehow reached the lock and locked it. "Uh oh, I stuck." Kingston said. "Mummy, Daddy, help!" I got a paper clip made into a somewhat curvy piece of metal and stuck it in the lock. I moved it and the door unlocked. I got Kingston out of the middle of his little car. "I not fit." He pouted.

"No you don't. I said and picked him up. I took him to the bathroom and put him in the tub. "Look Duck!" he said pointing at our one month old Rottweiler. He sat beside the tub. "Duck, look Dog!" Kingston showed Duck his rubber ducky, which he calls Dog. "Mummy look!" I looked and he had Duck in the tub with him.

"No." I said and got Duck out and dried him. I took him out the bathroom. "Dad! Get Duck!" I yelled.

"No gampa! Don't Duck!" Kingston yelled.








Dad came and got Duck. "Mummy, I hungy." Kingston said. I got him and wrapped a towel around him. I took him to his room and put some jeans on and and a  monster truck shirt on. I put him on my hip and took him downstairs. I got him a triangle of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and some potato chips that were kinda crunched up. He ate the sandwich then ate the the chips. "Mummy can I get apple juice?" He said when finished and I put apple juice in his sippy cup. He ran to his room and I sat on the couch and watched TV.

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