Chapter 11

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Me and the guys were going out and I hired a babysitter. Elizabeth, 18, good with kids, loves babies, and tells good stories. She came around 7:30, Kingston was already sleep. "Kingston likes jewelry, make sure you bathe him, feed him, and change his diaper at least twice. Upstairs is a room with a blue door, everything you need will be in there. Be back around 9:30. $20 an hour." I told Elizabeth.

"Ok Mrs. Horan. Thank you." She said.

"Your welcome." And I gave her Kingston and went to the car.


I closed the door and went upstairs to search for the room with the blue door. It was a baby room. Anything a baby room should have. Kingston started crying so I gave him his bottle with milk and formula. He drank it then I burped him. He started yawning so I put him in his crib. 7:32 read the clock. I sighed, only two minutes has passed.

I got a book called When Shadows Come. I started reading.

"Creepy here," Melanie said, looking around grandma and grandpa's farm in the country.

"It's cool," Adam added cheerfully. His sister's scowl made him change his mind.

"I mean, I'd rather be home with my friends," he stammered.

Five-year old Colin shrugged his right shoulder. As mom and dad drove away, his waggling fingers meant, "See you later, alligators."

Shaped shadows covered the ancient looking farmhouse. An owl hooted. Trees shook in the wind. And the moon's face gleamed like a toothpaste commercial.

"It's so dark here," said Melanie.

"Is that why you have the flashlight, Grandpa?" Adam asked.

"Yes. Besides, our lights went out a few times today," grandpa answered.

Climbing the stairway seemed higher than the tree house in their backyard. Finally, adults and children arrived at a large bedroom.

"This is where you boys can sleep," grandpa said. Colin held tightly onto his teddy bear. His neck hurt looking up at the high ceiling.

"And Melanie," grandma said, "your room is just next door."

"Can't they afford stronger light bulbs?" Melanie whispered to Adam. Shadows were everywhere. Cobwebs filled with spiders must be around too, she wondered.

"Me scared," Colin said.

"Not me," boasted Adam.

Their grandparents made sure the children were comfortable with extra blankets. "Don't let any strange sounds bother you," grandpa said with a wink.

Adams' eyes grew large. Shivers slithered down his neck. The adults 'yawned' loudly then headed off to bed.

Colin changed into nightclothes and jumped under the covers.

Melanie and Adam decided to watch some TV downstairs in the family room? Only one channel worked.

"Let's explore instead," Adam suggested. The building seemed large as a castle, and he loved to wander through old houses.

Suddenly the ceiling lights went out. They sat quietly, intakes of breath sounding loud in the stillness. A grandfather clock "ticked" off the hours loudly.

Trees scraped against the roof. Was that a loose shutter banging in the wind? Melanie thought.

"Hey, this is just like a horror movie on TV!" Adam exclaimed.

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