Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I sat on the edge of the bed due to my shaking knees. I don't know how to explain but I know that this used to be my room. I remember it well, I remember it perfectly.

I stood up as soon as my knees got back its feeling. I knowingly sauntered towards the open balcony. If I remember it correctly, there's a room next to mine that is connected by this balcony. And alas! I was right.

I pushed with all my might the unlocked glass door, it's sliding frame was rusted, making it hard to slid open.

The room, unlike mine, was dusty and trashed. Broken furniture, clothes, dust and cobwebs can be seen in every corner. Torn paintings of people. And the strange thing about this torn pictures is the only torn one is the face of a certain man. Why is it that only his is destroyed and where is he?

I proceeded to a chestnut wardrobe. It's doors are barely hanging. It was empty. I continued to check out the place and saw a pice of paper on the floor beside the broken bed. Nothing's written on it. It was just a plain piece of paper. I peered under the bed and saw a box. I reached for the dusty little thing and stood up.

I dusted myself off and decided to go back. Riel might be searching for me, and him finding me here I think will not be a good scene.

I walked back to my room. I was freaked out to see that the flower crown is wilted. How did that happen?! It looked so fresh and alive just minutes ago, and now it almost turned to dust. Are the flowers here normally like this? I wonder.

I chose to dismiss the thought, I took the book and head out. I exited through the hall where the lush red carpet ends, and walked back to the usual carpeted corridors of the castle. I slid in the room where I woke up the first day I got here.

I placed the book on the coffee table, I sat on the couch of the mini living room and looked at the small dusty box in my hand.

It was black with silver ribbons around it. I opened it in excitement and saw a beautiful golden necklace, it has a small rose flower pendant. I pulled it up and examined it thoroughly. I looks awfully familiar. I wonder why this castle is fucking familiar to me.

Soft knocks broke my trance towards the necklace. I quickly slid it under the bed along with the book that I took from the library.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened, and Chael walked in and sat on the sofa chair across from mine.

"How's your injury? Is Raphael doing his duties?"

"Yes. My injuries are healed completely, thank you."

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered as I fiddled my fingers on my lap.


"If I ask you, will you answer?"

"Depends on the question." He seriously replied.

"Why is the demon chasing me?"

His expression is guarded as he stared at me for a moment.

"Demons just tends to take humans. They feed on human blood to get stronger, you see."

"Your lying."

"How can you say?"

"You... I heard you talked to it. He said his master, the great one is coming for me. Who is he and why me?"

"I don't know."

"Who's his master?"

"Lucifer, my brother."

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