Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I totter towards the door of my unit. The consistent knocking won't stop even though I already waited for fifteen minutes before answering hoping he'll go away.

"Good morning!" Rico cheerfully greeted, showing me a paper bag in his hands that I'm pretty sure is breakfast.

It's been a month since Rico came, and he succeeded in invading my personal space. Going to my house every morning to have breakfast with me before going to work, of course he provides the breakfast.

I tried pushing him away like the others, in the first few days, but the jerks like gum under your shoe... he stays stuck.

I proceeded to the kitchen after making myself presentable. Rico already prepared the food he brought, so I just sat on the high stool in front of him and eat as well.

Since I met him, he always tell stories about our childhood together. Which I have no (even a snippet of) memory about. But he doesn't look like his lying as well, since his been piling heaps of proof to me. At some point, I come to question myself.

Then does that mean it's not real? Does that mean I'm really just dreaming? Since Rico came, I never dreamed of anything. Nothing at all, just pitch black.



"Did I ever sold my soul to a demon?"

"Wait, what?!" He looked at me as if I grew ten heads, which I'm not so surprised. I looked at him, anticipating for an answer.

He scratched his head in an awkward manner, a habit of his that I observed when asked a tricky question.

"No, you didn't."

"But I always have this dreams -"

"Maybe their just dreams, due to your isolation." He chuckled. His tone was different, it's mocking. But it disappeared immediately, as fast as it came.

"But -"

"So what are you going to do today?" He asked before taking a sip of his coffee. I stared at him warily for changing the subject.

"Same same." I answered quite bored, and a bit sad.

"How about you? Where are you going?"


"What is your work?"

Now that I gave it a thought, I don't know what he does.

"I do dealings."


"Yes, dealings."

"What kind of dealings?"

"You know, the usual."

He sounds off.

"I have to go." He said after peering at his watch.

He placed his plate in the sink and took his coat.

"Bye, see you tonight." He said, kissing my forehead and left.

I stared at the door where Rico left. Sometimes it feels like something's weird with that guy, but I guess that's just me because I have never associated myself with other people, I can't even remember if I do have friends before.

He said, maybe it's just dreams. Then why am I depressed? Shouldn't I be happy? I mean, who would want to sell their soul to a demon? Right?

I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and sauntered to my study. I stared at the single file laying on my wooden desk. I haven't started anything. It's too late to back out now, backing out shouldn't be an option. I sat at my swivel chair and opened the file.

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