Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It's already been a week since Mr Dalton died. The police said it was an accident. Some say, it's a suicide. But his family strongly disagree, they concluded that he has no reasons to do so.

He was found in his office the same day he called for me. He jumped from the glass windows. The maintenance people in the building was quite creep out because the glass windows are actually bulletproof.

I remember how he pleaded me to write the damn book. I feel guilty. I know that it has nothing to do with that fucked up proposal but there's something in my gut saying that if I had accepted it, this wouldn't happen.

Silently I sat on one of the bench of Central Park. Watching pigeons peck at the dust and fly away. I never self reflect my life in a daily basis, after all... Once all this is over, it's over.

My thoughts flew back to Mr Dalton. His crying face. Pleading for me to take the damn job. What's with this book anyway?! Well it's like I can ask him now. Somehow I feel a tinge of regret, Mr Dalton was nothing but nice to me. He often ask me to have dinner with his family, which I turn down every time. I don't want to associate myself with normal people that much. I bet normal people won't want to associate themselves to me... no, if they knew what I did.

Before I knew it, my feet took me in front of Mr Dalton's deserted office. The police tapes are already long gone. I shakily touched the door handle completely surprised that it's unlocked. Its now or never. I pushed the door open and peered inside the room. The cramped office was already tidy, unlike what the Secretary told me how she found the room dishevelled like a brawl just took place the day Mr Dalton died.

The desk was empty, except for a single file with a note paper clipped in front of it. I skimmed the contents and was surprised to see that it was the same folder Mr Dalton gave to me. Glancing attentively at the note did I only noticed that it's my name written on it, but it's not Mr Dalton's handwriting.


I'll find you, I always do, wait for me...
My flower.

My head throbbed painfully. It's like being smashed into two by an axe. I held on the edge of the desk for support. The folder slipped from my hand, it fell on the floor, it's contents spreading everywhere.

My flower...


"From now on, your name will be Hana." He smiled at me sweetly. I can't seem to see his eyes clearly, it's all a blur but I can feel him. I can feel his warmth.

He pulled me closer, enveloping me in his warm arms. I embraced him tight. I know him. I just can't remember, but I know him.

"Hana?" I asked.

"Yes, Hana." He whispered.

"My beautiful flower."

The scenes changed. The same man. Laughing, chatting... all with the same man. I know him. I know him!

The scene changed again. The man tucked me to bed.

"I'll be back my flower. Don't be scared." He tucked my stray hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"Wait for me, my flower. I will always find you. Always."

He walked out of the door, I tried to stop him but my voice isn't working. I tried to chase him but as soon as my feet touched the floor disappeared. I fell in the darkness.

The beeping sound of the machine beside me was the first thing I sensed. My face scrunched in the heavy smell of disinfectant and alcohol. The lights from the open window blinded me for a second. I'm in a hospital.

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