Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke in a pristine white room, alone. My side burnt in pain as I sat up. The sunlight gently illuminates through the open, white French windows as the curtains gently sway along the mild breeze.

I stood up with shaking legs and carefully sauntered towards the window. I peered outside and saw a beautiful garden full of wild flowers in different kinds and colors, the lush grass was well maintained and just in the right height.

This place feels strange... Strangely familiar. Like I've been here.

My appreciation for the garden was cut short when the door gently opened. I grabbed the pen sitting on the bedside table and hid it behind me as I watch a guy who is not the man, last night materialize on the door.

"A pleasant morning, Hana." He sat on the couch on the other side of the bed. I observed him cautiously as he stare back in amusement.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine." I briefly replied.

"You do look rather fine, but I suggest you rest for awhile. Your human body isn't that sturdy than you expect it to be."

"Who... Who are you?"

He pouted in thought. "Asking me that is so harsh, you wound me."

He's eyes stared at me with a hint of interest. I could confidently say that his damn good-looking. His brown hair was messed up in a manner that suits him fine. He looks like good person but there's something about him that's off.

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"I'm Hael."

"What are you hiding?" He added peering at my hand behind me.

"Nothing." I raised a brow.

"Oh Hana. Your attitude never change no matter how many forms you took." He chuckled.

"No... Your not Hana, your Mikhail. Our Hail." He smiled gently at me that looks awfully familiar as well.

I looked away. Scared of the awful nostalgia that I'm currently feeling.

"How did you know my name?"

"Now, we go way way back for that. Are you hungry?"

"No." I said in unison with my growling stomach.

"Haha! Of course, you aren't. Let's go." He stood up and disappeared through the door.

Can I trust him? He looks suspiciously calm.

"Aren't you coming?" He came back.

"Right behind you."

"Oh! And you can leave the pen behind." He smirked slyly before disappearing again.


"We have everything here, just name it, you got it." Hael proudly stated as he lead me to a huge dinning room with a long oak table.

This castle is like the ones that you see in the movies structured in the Victorian era, with the sophisticated paintings, statues and shit.

"Pancakes then."

He clapped his hand and a girl wearing a long maid uniform came and settled a plate of freshly cooked pancakes in front of me. She scurried away right after pouring us our preferred drinks.

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