Chapter One

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Zoya POV.

Why does she even wear that like seriously?

She should  leave no one wants her.


They think that I can't hear them but every word that is said is heard by me. as I once heard someone say.

'Watch what you say because even the walls have ears'

I don't take what they say to heart, well I try not to take what they say to heart because I know why I am like this, why I dress like this. My reasons behind all of this.

I do this to please our one and only creator, Allah Subhannah Wa Ta'ala.

But it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me, it does, wallahi the words that I hear sometimes cause me to cry myself to sleep, they don't know that.

'Although a tongue has no bones, it is still strong enough to break a heart'

And that is exactly what they are doing to me breaking my heart. With every word that is said a piece of me cracks.

But their is nothing that I could say, because speaking is something that is impossible for a Mute.

Sometimes I would ask why I wasn't deaf instead so I didn't hear the cruel words that they say about me.

But all I can say is Alhamdullilah because there are some people in this world that their life's is even worse then me.

Their are also others who with just that small boneless tongue commit multiple sins daily.

To deep in thought I did not realise where I was going as I bumped into someone. I prayed it wasn't who I thought it was, as I slowly looked up, the moment I saw the face of who the body belonged to I automatically regretted not looking where I was going.

"Are you mute and blind at the same time?" Paige the queen bee of the whole school said. Girls wanted to be her, others were scared of her but I on the other hand just wanted nothing to do with her.

She thinks so highly of herself as if she could do and say anything without being punished, just because she was popular. She probably doesn't know that,

The life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment [57:20]

And that being popular in this life isn't going to benefit her on the Day of Judgement because,

The hereafter is better for you than the first life. [93:4]

"You really irritate me, why do you bother coming to school like you should totally just kill yourself of something" she was extremely rude when it came to me, she just couldn't stand the look of my face. But the feelings were somewhat mutual.

She hated me because one time I was sitting down in the cafeteria, eating my food as I  minded my own business. Until suddenly I hear someone scream behind me and seconds later followed by a bang.

Looking behind me I see Paige on the floor with her food on her clothes and hair, as she stared at me with one emotion, hatred. And at that moment I knew if, looks could kill I would have been six feet under ground.

The look that she gave me that day never changed, she blames her fall on my skirt saying that it was to long, and by stepping on it she slipped.

I roll my eyes at how pathetic she is, just because of something so tiny she goes around making it her goal to embarrass me every time she can.

Looking down at my note pad I start to quickly scribble out my reply to her answer, just as I lift it up so that she could see, She doesn't even spare a glance at it as she throws it on the ground and walks away.

Looking down at the ground I see my note pad facing upwards as my writing was visible to anyone who wanted to see.

God is the owner and giver of life and His rights in giving and in taking are not to be violated.

Was written in black pen. But no one cared about what I had to say or 'what I had to write' as they liked to say. Because they all started to laugh and go about their own business.

At times like this I wished I had someone to talk to, but as always I was alone, who wanted to befriend a mute, and to make it worse a Muslim mute.

I picked up my note pad and carried on making my way to my locker, as always my day has to end with me getting bullied.

Walking past some girls I could hear them whispering to one another but they were looking at me and smirking.

All I want to do at times like this is run up a hill and scream, I want to scream until I feel as though I have ridden all this pain that I am currently carrying with me.

Feeling a little vibration on my jacket I put my hand in my pocket and retrieve my phone, looking up I got a text from an unknown number.

At times you may think everything is going wrong yet you don't realise that Allah is setting everything right.

The text said, who could this be? Looking up at the number the number looked unfamiliar it's no one from my family. The weird thing is I feel as though this message is meant to make me feel better, and it wasn't a wrong number.

'Who is this?' I text back, as I slowly pack my books that I needed for the night.

Someone who is here to cheer you up, because I know how you feel.

How would they know how I feel, no one knows how I feel not even my parents, so I tend to keep my mouth shut, not like I have a choice, because I know  what they will do if they know I am getting bullied, they will quickly remove me from school and get me married.

Since my mother just needs a little reason so that she can force me into a marriage that I don't want.

My mother even says that, I should try my luck and get married young because no one would want to get married to a old woman, and especially not a mute one.

Although what they say hurts me there is nothing I can do or say to my parents because it is clearly stated to not say

to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. (17:23

So in honour I shall address them.

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