Lost 1

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"I can't do this Luke, I have problems" I sobbed
He slapped me which made me stunned
"NO YOU DONT" he cried seeing tear out of his eyes

"GET AWAY FROM ME" I screamed

And now we're both laying there crying our eyes out
We both calmed down
"There's something wrong with us" Luke said as he wrapped his arms around me as we laid down on his bed
I looked at my cuts I've made the passed week
"We're sick" I whispered
Luke gently took my wrist and kissed my scars
I smiled slightly
"Let's run away together" Luke said as he snuggled down to the crooks of my neck
"I wish but i can't" I said
I got up
"Are you having urges again" Luke asked
I sighed and nodded and as I glanced back at him and left the room
I went into the bathroom
And took my pills that contained pot
I felt calmed after my nervousness urge
I took a breathe as I took another
And took giant gulp of water to wash it down
"Its gonna be last" I mumbled
That's what I always say but it never works
They say positive reinforcement could help or positive self talk could help which seems immune to me cause it never works
I took my razor and took a rag and firmly press the razor onto my skin feeling the burning sensation to cut
As I slowly slice my skin to enjoy the vile feel I heard a knock
"Are you done yet?" Luke asked
"Yeah, almost" I mumbled
As I felt the bleeding spreading and took the rag to stop the bleed from happening
I wash the fresh cut I created with water and left the bloody rag on the sink and unlock the bathroom seeing Luke being all grim and pale
"What?" I said
"Shh" he hushed me
I did as he told me to do and listen to what his afraid of
After hearing silence
I was confused
"what" I quietly asked
"G-guess I was hearing things" he said confusingly
I half smiled and kissed him in the cheek
"It's okay it happens" I said
He smiled
He a hand on my cheek giving me chills
And kissed my on he forehead
"I love you" he said
"Love you too"
"I'm gonna go get a drink of water and let's go to bed" he said
I nodded

I'm Zoe Baxter, I'm a Brunette and suicidal (Nina Dobrev)
I want to die but I'm only living for Luke, to get the joy I'm slowly dying by drugged, alcohol and cuts
My boyfriend. Luke Brooks is crazy
I don't say that to him cause that triggers him to..kill people
The police don't seem to notice for some reason
He's homicidal addicted to murder people

-flashback: to happier times, it's been like 2 weeks of dating Luke Brooks-

I laughed as he took a giant bite of my cotton candy
"Your so crazy" I joked
"For you?, yeah" he said
I laughed of how untrue that is
"Stop" I said pushing him playfully
"It's true" he smiled
"Well maybe I am but defiantly not you" I giggled
We were walking in the neighborhood coming from our 4th date it was in the carnival

"Ok, okay I have a question" he said jokingly as he look in the distance
"And that is.."I asked Taking a bite of my cotton candy
"Why don't you think I'm crazy about you" he asked I could see he was getting serious
I felt alittle uncomfortable about this
"I-I.." I stuttered
"You think your not worth it do you?" He asked
I didn't answer, I didn't answer cause I don't wanna lie to him
"Everyone is worth it" he said
"No I'm not" I said smiling looking down
"Fine what do I gotta do to make you know I'm crazy about you" he asked smiling
I smiled and laughed a bit
"Uhh um how bout you kill someone" I joked
He laughed "ok who"
"Uhhh ms.johnson, the English teacher" I said joking
"Ugh I hate her," he said
I laughed "who doesn't"
"Ok deal" he said
We both shook hands to make t "official" that its a deal
Which I know that he's lying
"Well that's my house" I smiled
"Bye" he waved as I got in


I walked into school the next day
Seeing him being all smiley
Which was so adorable
"Did you kill ms Johnson" I laughing jokingly
He smirked "maybe"
I rolled my eyes laughing

I hate ms Johnson first hour so I walked in which made me regret it so much
Saw blood everywhere
Seeing cops talking to what I assume witness
I felt light headed
He actually killed ms Johnson
And went all black indicated I've fainted

-end of flashback-

It gave me shutters when I found that out
Now that we graduated well I did Luke dropped out long before I graduated
Well anyway he still have urges like I do
I don't like what he's doing but I can't stop him

"I'm back" Luke said snapping me out of my thought
I smiled "hey"
"Cmon Let's go to bed" he smiled
I love that smile so much it makes me crazy
He looks innocent doesn't he ?
Huh no wonder why polices won't brother to question him or such
"I love you" I said truthfully
He took my hand and kissed it gently
"I love me too" he smiled
I laughed "you jerk" I giggled
"I know" he snickered
I rolled my eyes laughing
He looked down looking all sad
I was confused why? I mean we were just laughing a second ago what's the promblem
"What's wrong" I asked
"N-nothing just I wanna change I don't wanna kill people anymore" he said sounding like it'll disappoint me or something
"That's a good thing" I said smiling
He half smiled "but it's an habit of mine"
I nodded "we can get help" I offered
"How? I'm not telling a doctor that I kill people-"
"I know just say that you...uh think about killing people but you wouldn't ever do that" I said
"That's pretty smart" he said
"Maybe next weeks" he added

We tried getting help with our problems I don't know about Luke but sometimes I feel like I'm the freak in the relationship when really he is
I don't know how to explain it like everytime I cut or something like that he scolds me like it's the baddest thing alive I get that he loves me but I don't do that to him when he suffering like I am
"I'm tired" I said yawning
"Same" he said
"Wanna cuddle in bed?" He asks
"I would love that" I said smiling

Freaks//L.B Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora