Chapter 34

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When I came back down the stairs, everyone was watching me.

"What did you do?" asked Peter. His stomach was all stiched up.

"I took care of him. He'll never get away," I said.

"Good. S.H.I.E.L.D. can come get him once they're done stopping the escaped prisoners. I'll call to see how they're doing," said Nick Fury. He walked out of the doorway where the broken down door used to be.

I looked at Iris. She was pale. Her face had a bluish tinge to it. I kneeled down beside her and stroked her cold cheek. I wished the warmth was back. I wished that she didn't feel like ice.

"Mr. Pool?" asked the British boy.

"Yeah kid?" I asked halfheartedly.

"It will be okay. I know what it's like to lose someone. My grandmother died a few months ago," he said.

Although it didn't make me feel any better, I smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair.

"I hope so."

Nick came back.

"They've got almost every prisoner. A team is on their way to collect Venom. As for the boy..."

He approached him.

"What's your name kid?"

"Peter. Peter Quill," he said.

Peter Quill...why did that sound so familiar?

"Well, I'll go see if any of the agents can find your parents," said Nick.

"Thank you sir," said Peter.

"And kid?"


"I need you to promise me that you'll never tell anyone about me or my friends or Peter. Alright?"

He nodded his head.

"Good," said Nick. He went out again through the doorway.

I looked at Iris again. All I could think was how much I had failed her. Why didn't I just try to save her when I had the chance? It's not like it would've been easy for Venom to kill me, or Iris. I could've saved her. I could've fought. I was very mad that I hadn't.

I stood and carefully picked her up. Then I went to the couch, sat down and carefully laid her down on my lap. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had sat down on the couch stood and moved away.

I held her close and rocked her gently. I loved her so much. But that wouldn't bring her back. She was gone. Forever.

3 hours later...

Peter's POV

The past few hours we had all been sitting around, doing nothing. We couldn't do anything until the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived. The only sounds in the room was the muffled loud music coming upstairs and Wade talking to himself.

I was devastated at Iris's death. Even if we weren't really close, we had been good friends. Wade had been holding her for hours. He hadn't even taken his eyes off of her.

I watched little Peter as he slept with his cat in his arms. Poor kid. Hopefully his family was all right. And hopefully Aunt May and Mary Jane were too.


As I began to fall asleep, many people in SWAT like clothing entered the room. The only thing that let me know they weren't SWAT was the insignia of an eagle on their backs that symbolized S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury pointed upstairs.

"He's up there."

The people ran up the stairs. Some were carrying very huge weapons. If only they knew they wouldn't help much.

After a few minutes, they dragged Venom down the stairs. For the first time ever, he looked weak and vulnerable. That sound must have really drained him of his energy. As they dragged him toward the door, he looked at me.

"We'll be back, Parker. We will kill you. Then we'll kill New York and the world. Just like how we killed your red and black friend's girl," he said weakly.

"I'd like to see you try," said Nick.

He was finally dragged out. New York was safe. Venom's six hour rain of terror was over.

A few minutes later, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent entered with a man, a girl and a dog. They looked dirty and shaken up. But I recognized them immediately.

"Peter, your family is here," I said, shaking him awake. He sat up. When he saw them he jumped off the couch with the cat and ran to them. They all hugged.

"I was worried we had lost you, son!" said his father.

"Don't worry. Mr. Pool and Peter kept me safe," said Peter.

The man made eye contact with me and glanced at Wade. He frowned when he saw the dead Iris.

"Father? Where's Mother?"

His father's face became dark. So did the daughter's.


Peter gestured for him to go on.

"She...she had to go somewhere," his father said. I had a feeling that wasn't what had happened.

"When will she be back?" asked Peter.

"I...I don't know. But she'll be back. Don't worry."

Peter shrugged and hugged his father again.

Nick approached me.

"His wife was found dead. She had been handled by her neck so roughly, it broke. She died immediately."

I felt terrible for Peter. He had no mom anymore. Just like me.

What would they do for mother's day? Who would tuck him in besides his dad? Who would clean his cut when he fell off his bike and kiss it to make it feel better? What could ever replace his mother's love?

I somehow felt this was my fault. If I hadn't surrendered to Venom, who I knew was a trickster, I could've saved his mom and Iris.


I looked down. Peter was there, smiling.

"Thank you for protecting me. I was very scared. And so was Mr. Fluffs. But not anymore. Thank you again," he said.

I put my hand out. He shook it.

"Thanks Mr. Spider-Man," he whispered.

"You're welcome. Be sure to stay out of trouble," I said.

"I will. Bye," he said.


He walked back to his family that was now missing one.

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