Chapter 26

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We all began to get inside the abandoned trucks. At first we worried that there wouldn't be enough room to fit all of the men and we would have to leave some behind. But it worked. It was a tight fit but it worked.

Us and Colton got in the front seats of one of the trucks. Since he was driving, he was in the driver's seat. He started the car.

"So who are your prisoners?" asked Colton.

"Spider-Man and one of his friends," we replied.

"That's very impressive. What are you planning on doing to them?"

"We're going to kill Spider-Man and we're going to kill his friend too. She may be a little hard to kill though. She has a healing factor. But we think drowning her will be effective," we said.

We were glad to have him on our side. He would be very helpful to us.

We pressed the radio button so that we could talk to the others in the other trucks.

"Alright, here's how we're going to do this. The first two trucks in this line will go to The Bronx. The next two will go to Brooklyn. The next two will go to Staten Island. And the ones after that will go to Queens. Our truck will go to Manhattan, starting at Times Square. Got it?"

We waited for a reply.

"Got it," each driver replied.

"Good. Let's get this show on the road. But first..."

We took the EMP out of our pocket.

"What's that?" asked Colton.

"It's called an EMP. Once we activate it, it will knock out anything electronic. That way, no one can contact anyone for help. We want our attack to be unexpected."

"Wow, you're good," he said.

"Yes we are. So, will you do the honors?" we asked, motioning the EMP at him.

He smiled, took a hand off of the wheel and pressed the EMP. The radio went to static. Street lights went out. A few even exploded. Buildings now looked completely dark. Colton laughed.

"For a little button, that sure is amazing."

"Thanks," we said.

A few seconds later, we heard a huge boom. It sounded as if something had fallen out of the sky. Well, something probably did. Planes were affected by EMPs.

After a few moments, we arrived in Times Square. It was dark. Many people crowded the sidewalks and streets, looking puzzled. Cars had stopping, causing their drivers to get out. We wondered why the cars we were in didn't get affected. Maybe they were EMP proof.

"Look at them. They have no clue what's about to happen," we said.

"Let's not keep them waiting," said Colton, getting out. We followed.

We opened the back doors of the truck, releasing our soldiers.

"Capture them all. Don't kill them unless you need to," we ordered.

They obeyed and split up. We leaned against the truck and watched as our plan was put into action.

"What's going on? The power is out!"

"Maybe it's some type of blackout."

"Did you hear that big boom?"

"Yeah. It sounded like something was falling out of the sky. I wonder what it was."

"Hey! Who are those guys in orange?" asked a woman on the sidewalk with a very strong New York accent.

"They look like prisoners!" said a man beside her who also had an accent.

"I think they are! They must've escaped! Call the police," said the woman.

The man removed his phone from his pants pocket, dialed a number and held it up to his ear. After a few moments, he frowned.

"It's not ringing."

He tried again.

"My phone isn't ringing either," said a random man.

"Mine isn't either!" said another random man.

"What's going on?" asked the lady with the strong New York accent.

There was another loud boom that shook the whole ground. Screams erupted from the crowd. Then there was another boom. An explosion. That made everyone fall silent. It was as if the world had been muted.

The sound came back as the shock in the crowd began to turn into panic.

"What's happening?!" asked a teenage girl anxiously.

"I'm scared!" said a younger girl beside her.

"Who's that?" asked a man in a shaky voice.

He was referring to Colton.

"He's an escaped prisoner!" cried the man who tried to call the police.

"A wh-"

Before the random man could finish, Colton grabbed him and hit him in the head with a fist, knocking him out.

"Oh my goodness! Run! Run before they kill us all!" shouted a man.

And that's what triggered the assault. As people began to run, our soldiers grabbed them and knocked them out. To prevent them from getting out of Times Square, we shot a big web around it. Now they were trapped.

They fell like flies as our soldiers stopped them, leaving their unconscious bodies on the cement.

When the people reached the webs, they tried to break them. But they couldn't. The webs were much too strong. Trapped with nowhere else to go, they were captured.

One of our soldiers grabbed a man, the one who had told everyone to run, by his shoulder. This soldier in particular had worn a pair of sunglasses since we first saw him. We hadn't known why until he lifted them, revealing glowing red eyes. He looked the man in the eyes. The man grunted before sinking to the ground. The soldier lowered his glasses back and continued through the crowd.

We were very pleased. These soldiers were much more helpful than the other ones. We were glad we had them now.

But the best part was there was no one who could stop us. We loved not having to worry about someone stopping us. We loved being unstoppable.

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