Pathetic family

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Ares p.o.v:

The Olympian council was a mess again. After we had heard of the hunters camp being attacked everyone in the council started freaking out except for me and Dionysus.

"THIS FAMILY IS PATHETIC!" I said as I slammed my hand on the armrest of my throne, it crumbled beneath my hand. "If you want to get Artemis back so bad, why don't you shut the Hades up and send a search party! Instead of screaming like the bunch of idiots that you are!" I stood up from my throne.

"Watch your tone Ares!" Zeus bellowed.

"Oh, just you wait father! Once a war has started I won't hold back! Even you know that you can't beat me in a war!" I pointed my finger at him. A red glow surrounded my hands because of my anger.

"You dare! I'm the ki-" Zeus didn't get to finish his sentence because he was interrupted by Poseidon.

"King of gods, yes we know it brother, but Ares is right. Instead of talking about the problem. How about we try and fix it. I have asked Hades to accompany me to the entrance of Tartarus." Poseidon had barely spoken over the past few years, after his son, Perseus, had left he was reduced to an old wreck of the powerful Sea god.

"What? Have you gone mad, brother?" Zeus said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I had a dream, I saw us. Hades, you and me standing at the entrance of Tartarus. Hades was pulling up a chain, it went all the way into Tartarus." Poseidon said as his eyes got watery. "At the end of the chain were Artemis an-and my son, Percy."

Zeus didn't know what to do. He went silent for a few minutes. "Okay, it is settled then. The three of us will travel to the entrance of Tartarus in 3 days. No one is to hear of this." Zeus said as he looked every one of us in the eyes.

"That chain you speak of, was it by chance a red one?" I asked Poseidon.

"Yes, I am sure that it was. Why?" Poseidon said as he stroked his beard.

"Because I know where to find it." I said as I turned around and walked away.


Percy p.o.v:

We were still walking around Tartarus without a clue as to where we were going.

"Excuse me lady Artemis, but do you know how we can get out of here?" I asked over my shoulder.

When there was no response. I looked again, to my shock Hyperion had grabbed Artemis from behind and had put a knife at her throat.

"Surrender or she dies!" Hyperion said as a trickle of golden ichor seeped from the wound in Artemis neck.

How Hyperion had been able to get behind Artemis unnoticed was a mystery to me. Luckily, I knew the weak spots of Hyperion's armor.

"Fight me coward!" I yelled at Hyperion.

He hit Artemis on the side of her head effectively knocking her out.

Hyperion ran at me and swung his left hand with a knife at my head. I ducked beneath his arm, which gave me the perfect opening right away. I stabbed the spear in an opening between his armor.

The spear went through his heart. Hyperion fell down with a loud 'clang'.

I knew just the way to keep him from reforming at a fast rate again. I had to cut off his head. So I set to work with one of Artemis' knives, said person was starting to wake up again.

"Lady Artemis, are you alright?" I said as I offered her my hand.

She looked at me. "I can stand up on my own!" She hissed, she fell silent as she looked behind me.

Hyperion's body, arms to be precise, were feeling around for his head. Which lay a few feet away. I went over and stabbed the body in the heart again. It stopped moving. I picked up the head.

"Let's keep moving. Before the others start to show up." I said while planting the spear firmly in the ground and placing the head on top of it.

"Ugh... this is disgusting!" I started walking again.

"So, do you know any exits?" I asked.

"No, but I know the entrance maybe we can get out from there." Artemis said, but she didn't sound so sure.

"So, with you being a hunter and stuff. How did Hyperion sneak up behind you? No offense of course!" I rushed that last part, the last thing that I wanted to happen was getting turned into a jackalope.

"I don't know, one second he wasn't there and the next he just appears behind me with a knife." She said as she looked over her shoulder.

"Do you know how we can get there?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I've been here before with Annabeth." I said as I got a lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Artemis said as she realised her mistake.

"I... it's just..... never mind, it's not your fault anyway." I wiped away the tears in my eyes.

"I don't think we are going the right way." In front of us was a cliff.

"Styx! That is the Styx! Come on we have to go back." I said as I turned around.

"Not so fast! You are going back with me!" Hyperion said, he was with Krios, Oceanus and a few of their minions.

There was no way that we were getting out of there unharmed.

"We've got to jump into the river." I said as I grabbed Artemis and dragged her to the edge.

"Perseus, are you crazy?" Artemis said as she pulled away her arm and looked me in the eyes. "The Styx won't accept you a second time!"

"Either way, this will be my death!" I said as I grabbed her shoulders. "It's the only way that you can get away from them!" I said as I pointed at the group of enemies, as if on cue they jumped into action.

I had no time, so I grabbed Artemis in a hug and pulled her with me into the Styx. "At last I am free." I mumbled to myself as my back hit the surface of the water.

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