Chapter 14: Jealousy kills

Start from the beginning

"I guess."

"I will see you both at 10."

She hangs up.
"So how do you feel about what my mom said?" I ask.

"Which part? The one she implied we were having sex or the one where she basically said I have to marry you?" She asked.

"Um, give me your opinion on both." I say slightly nervous about the latter.

"The sex part I am so embarrassed because that is your mom and now she thinks we are doing that when we are not. The marriage part I don't mind. I would love to call you my wife one day." She says.

"Camila Jauregui has a nice ring to it." I say.

"Really, because I thought Lauren Cabello sounded pretty sexy." She tells me.

"Nope. Jauregui Nation here." I say.

"When the time comes we will see." She says.

"I will do everything in my power to make you a Jauregui." I say.

"Okay I will be waiting here." She says and pecks my lips.

"Okay let's get going before your mom will think we are having sex again." She says while giggling. It's the best sound in the world.

(Skip to Charity event)

"Lo?" Camila whispers as we get out the car.

"Yeah Camz?" I ask.

"There's a lot of people here and paparazzi." She says, sounding nervous.

"Not surprise." I say.

"This is scary." She says.

"Here give me your hand. It's just outside, once we get inside it will just be us and the kids. Maybe one photographer and parents. I've got you." I tell her. She kisses my cheek and takes my hand.








The paparazzi start screaming for my attention.

"Lauren! Camila! Come over here for a small interview." My mom's assistant says.

"Look who it is the one and only Lauren Jauregui." The interviewer says.

"Hello." I say politely.

"So today you open the Miami Live for the Children Foundation. Which not only raises money for underprivileged children, but takes care of them as well." He says.

"Yeah. I think this is really cool. The money we raise will be put to this club. Before and After school children from ages 1 to 13 can come here and be taken care of. Teenagers from 14 to 17 can join the talents of Miami which is run by my younger brother Chris." I say.

"That is amazing. Once again this is proof that the Jauregui's are God's gift to Miami." He says.

"Well thank you. I was taught from a very young age, that yes I have money but what good would my money do if I can't help people. I love and thank my parents everyday for that lesson." I say.

"Now Lauren, I know you hate this but a little birdie told me that you and Lucy Vives, Carlos Vives' daughter, are an item, is this true or not?"He asked.

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