Civil War Review: spoilers

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Top 3 pros:
1)performances from Lizzie Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Holland, and Daniel Brühl
2) insight on Bucky and Sharon's past (I found this important bc we didn't have a full understanding of Bucky's kills and torture and the movie for the most part made Sharon like able and such a badass)
3) the air port scene
Top 3 cons:
1) Tony's emotions towards his mother werent very believable
2) staron
3) crossbones having very little plot and one kind of pointless motivations

So the movie began with a bang, or should I say a crash. It's opening scene is a brainwashed Bucky killing Tony (senior) and Maria Stark. Sebastian Stan does this thing with his eyes and facial expression to show the difference between buckys if you will and it's amazing and believable. The next plot line it heads into is Cap, Falcon, Natasha, and Wanda fighting Crossbones in Wakanda. What I really disliked is crossbones' only motivation is cap fucking up his face. I mean really, rumlow should not have survived that. Tony then does a presentation at MIT and there's bad foreshadowing there about erasing trauma and the song. It's this strange combination of boring and interesting, but to say the least its essential to the plot. Then he meets a woman who's son died in Sokovia and for some reason that's his motivation, even though he's let many people die. This is one of the things I feel makes the fight seem useless and we're only watching for explosions. The woman who played the mother was a very good actress and represented the good people who's family members died in avengers caused events. Then General Ross from the shitty 2008 Hulk shows up with the Sokovia accords and there's a big fight and essentially sides are chosen. I love this scene because there is such a perfect mix of seriousness and humor to keep it interesting, but important to the movie. Then you get a Zemo introduction. He gets the book that has the trigger words for Bucky and then Bucky says shit in Russian and oh my god it's my aesthetic. Then Bucky is framed for, for the most part killing T'Challa's father. T'challa at first is angry and wants to kill Bucky. For some reason T'Challa's character development reminds me of a better version of anakin from revenge of the Sith, but he's switching from being filled with hate to some nice Jedi ass values. Then Peggy dies and I cried face it that was sad. My MOM is dead like no I can't take that. Steve cries nat cries Sharon almost cries it's sad. We get a better introduction to Sharon and learn that she's actually Peggy's niece and I love her character for the first 14 minutes of screen time. She's helpful and a total badass. Emily Vancamp was truly phenomenal. Also in the scene where Sharon, Natasha, and T'Challa are fighting controlled by Zemo Bucky nat implies that Bucky knows her. I believe at some point in the comics he breaks her out of the red room and I would have loved to see a hint at that or a flashback or something. The movie really could have had a better widow subplot with that. Of course with that being said, I think this is the best time I've seen Scarlet play widow. I think the Russos let her character be Natasha Romanoff, not Bruce's babysitter, not Tony's badass babysitter, and not Steve's fake girlfriend. She was just Natasha and I absolutely loved it. I thought the relationship between Wanda and Vision was amazing. They're so cute. I also like how Wanda rebels against what Tony and vision tell her to go with Clint to get Scott. I think it shows her character is powerful and independent. Lizzie's acting was amazing because the way she plays the character you feel how scared Wanda is by her own abilities and how conflicted she is about vision, yet you know she's not going to sign the accords. She's such a talented actress. On the topic of Hawkeye, I feel like he didn't have enough screen time, yet I feel like this movie finally gives him character. The truth is hawkeye is kind of sassy and a little complain-y and we finally got that. The Russos really did a great job with every character in this movie. Vision was also wonderful and the viewer feels him grow up as he falls for Wanda and begins to make his own decisions. He's also kind of a dork and I love it. Ant-Man finally became giant man. The viewer gets enough of Scott Lang's character and enough great fighting scenes, not to mention that Paul Rudd was perfectly cast. Tom Holland is the greatest spider-man in my lifetime and trust me, just in the Movies, this is the third. He's just a cute computer nerd who happens to like Star Wars. He embodies what spider-man is supposed to be. He's good comic relief and also cares about Aunt May and is such a cutie. I want to talk about Zemo for a while. He's a very unique villain. He doesn't throw on a mask and terrorize a town. He strategizes and still has a little bit of good left in him. He's a dick for brainwashing Bucky again, but he's also a likable villain in a way. I like that he's sort of dirty where he'll force other people into doing the crimes for him and he holds onto his family for a long time. His plan was brilliant, to break up the avengers. He's just a very unique villain and honestly I want him back. He creates a really good conflict and somehow the three conflicts in the movie didn't turn it into a Spider-Man 3 type disaster so good job, Russos. I thought that at the end when T'Challa talks to Zemo he sounds like Yoda. I said to my dad "this is a marvel movie, not Star Wars, right". Peter Parker's empire strikes back reference was probably one of my favorite lines of dialogue in the movie. The dialogue between Steve and Bucky when Bucky finally remembers was so beautiful and a sweet moment they shared. It was almost tear-jerking because it's the first time we see Bucky in the franchise since he 'died' in The First Avenger. I thought the Sam and Bucky relationship was hysterical and they had the same thoughts as the audience during that awful terrible so fucking wrong kiss between Steve and Sharon. We saw it in 3D so I took my glasses off for it and literally half the theatre said ew or gross. I think the only romance the movie needed was Wanda and vision but I'm not the director. That's the one place the writers really fucked up. Since I didn't discuss falcon yet he was so wonderful and he's so sweet and faithful to cap and Bucky. He's also funny and has a great character. He had a lot of screen time but even more would be nice. RDJ's acting was not as good as I expected it. I wasn't really sold about his mother. Him turning on Bucky was like anakin's turn to the dark side, super unbelievable, or only believable for the sake of plot. I feel like RDJ is just sick of iron man and is being lazy. I think he only has four more movies: Infinity war I&II, spider-man and a rumored iron man 4. Now that that's done let's talk end credits. Also I liked war machine but I feel like he needed more plot than agree with tony get shot, get legs. The first end credit made me cry like a fucking baby. I heard seb signed a contract so he'll be back. I also love how the scene shows Bucky finally deciding for himself after 70 years and T'Challa's character development and Steve's feelings toward Bucky. I just thought it was so perfect. It made me so happy to see Bucky think for himself, but it was such a bittersweet moment. The second end credit scene was amazing. How much did Disney pay Sony for that? I love spidey and he's my favorite and I'm so happy about tom holland playing him. I'm so excited for the new reboot and I think it will the best one yet. The cgi/fx were good and they were done by lucasfilm so you have to expect an odd combination of "wait that's cgi" and "that weapon looks like it came out of the phantom menace". I liked the score, but my only complaint was I feel like they used it where they didn't need to in some scenes. Also the cinematography is some of the fight scenes was very shaky and I wish they'd filmed it from a distance so it wasn't constantly shaking, especially in the opening scene. Overall I'd give the movie an 8/10 because the three big issues with it, but overall the special fx were 95% of the time realistic, the performances were wonderful, the villian is one the greatest marvel ones yet, and it had a well written plot.

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