Graduation bullshit

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Okay so I'm graduating middle school in like a month and my mother had everyone take off work and she's forcing us to go to a nice lunch. Like its eight grade no one gives a shit. Why lose a day of pay to watch a bunch of middle schoolers graduate. She also wants to get me a fancy bag which is trash bc I either carry a bag I've had since I was like 8 or my cacw bag so like that's pretty damn useless. I don't even say anything. All I want for graduation is to not go to the pool party at the rich people country club with all the stupid people from my grade but I'm being forced to go. Like its eighth grade and my grades were bad anyway, I don't deserve shit. I just want to come home and watch Netflix and some marvel movies. My idea of a perfect graduation is coming home, ripping off the stupid ass white dress I have to wear, and watching some movies. I also just want pizza like nice restaurants can suck my ass.
I get I sound whiny and annoying but it's just annoying when everyone wants you to care abt expensive shit and I'm like I have everything I ever wanted.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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