The spirk theory (for the new movies)

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Could contain Star Trek spoilers but eh

Part I: kirk's identity crisis

Ok we all know we'll even if you haven't seen Star Trek Kirk sleeps with a lot of women (and damn I'd like to be one). Anyway this isn't a fall out boy song so let's move on. No fucking wonder he does. In the new movies he doesn't really have a steady female love interest, of course if you really want that can be argued. He does it because he's confused. He knows he has feelings for Spock and his way of hiding it and by fucking women and pretending it doesn't exist.

Part II: does Spock even have emotion for anything but Kirk

In the first film we see the first time where Spock shows emotion and it is with Kirk. They're in the circular room with the blue (you know what I'm talking about). He seems softer and more open when he's with Kirk. We also see this in into darkness.

Part III: the fucking actor chemistry

Ok I mean Chris and Zach have the cutest relationship in the universe and I 100% ship them 10/10. Ok like whenever they're together in interviews they act so sweet and natural. They act like they've been friends for years which you don't always see in movie ships. This is one of those ships I feel is very reliant off of a good script and actor chemistry. Bless JJ Abrams and his directing of the choking scene. (Yes hello I love JJ Abrams) Also Zach is gay and I think Chris isn't straight but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Part V:the whole "let's bring gays to movies"

JJ Abrams is producing it. JJ Abrams directed Star Wars. Star Wars has a gay character as confirmed by Abrams on February 26th to be exact. Of course it is rumored to Poe and probably Finn as well. So with the logic of we need more equality blah blah blah there is a high chance spirk could easily go canon in the next few movies.

Part IV: conclusion & other
The whole hand holding thing is kind of important bc Vulcans don't really do that. Also if they were a man and a woman they'd probably be in a relationship.

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