"What are you talking about? What are we even doing today?"

"It's a surprise. But we have to go to the studio first."


At the studio, the two were greeted by the stylists who quickly grabbed Eunsol and started fixing her up. "What am I getting ready for?"

"A party." The hair stylist answered.

"A party? But why?" Eunsol asked again.

"Sh. Don't tell her. It's supposed to be a surprise." Namjoon said, watching from the back .

'What the heck is going on?' Eunsol thought to herself.

After 45 minutes, Eunsol stepped out of her dressing room in an elegant dress that was short in the front and had a long tail in the back. Namjoon was standing outside waiting and smiled when he saw her.

"Oh good work," He said to the stylists. "She looks really nice."

"I see that you look ok for once." Eunsol noted, seeing that Namjoon himself has changed into a black suit and styled his hair.

He smiled fakely at her and told her to go to the car. During the car ride, Eunsol bothered Namjoon on purpose by continuously asking him where they were going.

"How long is it going to take to get there? The stylists said we were going to a party. What's the party for? How long are we going to be there? Why is it fancy?"

"You're giving me a headache." Namjoon said without taking his eyes off the road.

"At least let me know what it is. I was supposed to spend time with Jungkook today but then I had to cancel."

"Ok. Good." He replied simply.


Finally upon arriving at the venue, Namjoon, gave his keys to the valet and who went to park his car. "When we walk in, smile." He said, taking Eunsol's arm and linking it with his.

"Why?" Eunsol asked, trying to remove her arm but to no avail.

"Just listen to me for once."

He pushed the door open and they were greeted with a ton of camera lights flashing in their eyes. People greeted them as they walked in but Eunsol had no idea who they were and didn't know why they were only giving her attention.

"That's the reason why I told you to smile." Namjoon pointed at a big screen placed high enough for everyone to see. It was a picture of the two entering the party. Namjoon smiled handsomely for the camera, but Eunsol on the other hand was in mid-blink and it didn't make for a very flattering picture. Also on the screen were the words: Congratulations Woo Eunsol.

"Oh god tell them to take down that picture." Eunsol covered her face in embarrassment, but Namjoon just patted her back, laughing.

"Nah we're gonna keep that up there the whole night."

Eunsol removed her arm to punch her partner in the chest, but Namjoon caught her hand and resumed to put his arm around her shoulder while they walked through the party.

"I still don't understand what this is for..."

"It's to celebrate you being the newest addition to the company and by generating the most views for videos, making you one of the most popular girls we have."

"Oh ew. Um well I guess that's cool? But also really weird because that means there's a lot of weird guys out there who like watching me...????"

"Well the boss wanted to throw this party for you so you should be happy. I mean, I'm pretty proud of you."

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