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‘We are near the edge of Springtown.’ She replied coldly.

‘We have flown that far?’ Coldwit was shocked. He never knew that he could have flown that far had it not for the darkness and Hornclaw’s persistence.

Hornclaw chuckled. ‘Yes, we have flown that far.’

‘Why are we here? Can someone please tell me why I had to fly that far just to hear you judge my ability to keep secrets?’ Coldwit was hungry and tired.

‘We can’t say yet. Not everyone is here. There is still one more.’ The female bird came into view. Her feathers were nothing to boast of but it still caught Coldwit’s attention. Her green feathers seemed to gleam in the flickering fire. ‘I am Hanna.’

Coldwit was silent. He was in love. Wait! I can’t be in love!Oh but you are, another voice taunted him. Hanna was still looking at him. He shook himself and offered his name. She nodded her head and they turned around at a new sound.

‘Goddess, my deepest apologies that I have arrived late,’ a new voice announced himself. The cave brightened further with the newcomer’s entrance. All the birds murmured softly, ‘Prince Jalen.’

‘Now that everyone is here, we shall begin,’ Hanna took charge once again. ‘In case some of you don’t know, we are in the middle of a war.’ Everyone nodded in agreement except for Coldwit. He was wondering his purpose being engaged in something that he didn’t want to take part in. However, listen he did. If it meant keeping himself alive at the end of this war, he had to know every detail.

Hanna outlined the battle plan after sharing the information that the Dark Mages had stepped up their offensive methods ever since the stranger entered their world. Coldwit frowned, he had returned recently and the news had travelled that fast? If the Dark Mages had magical means to check on the arrival, why did he have to waste his energy to scout?

Hanna answered his silent questions, ‘The Dark Mages have used other scouts besides the birds. They have planted spies among the animal kingdom so that it would look natural. It seems that we cannot just trust anyone along the way,’ she looked pointedly at Coldwit who narrowed his eyes. The meeting left Coldwit even more confused as to why the Dark Mages wanted the strange man dead. What was the prophesy about anyway? This time, no one answered his questions.

Everyone retreated to get some rest and Hornclaw was to guide Coldwit with his new duties, Coldwit would have preferred Hanna to him any day but he was stuck with him. They were to scout for any disturbances or movements from the Dark Mages. Cursing the Dark Mages, Coldwit made sure to scan the area for any weird movements, so far, there were none. However, he did notice a lone deer running in the woods. To be sure, he called out to Hornclaw who followed him.

They tracked the deer from the sky but lost it when it ran through the thicker parts of the woods. Deciding that it would be perilous to pursue, they reported back to Hanna.

Until she was sure that the crows were gone, she stepped out of the shadows. It was a close call, she couldn’t be found looking for her brother. He had disobeyed by running off chasing some butterfly and their parents would be furious. The times were getting dangerous as the Dark Mages were making their moves. Spies were everywhere and she didn’t know who to trust any more. Springtown was no longer safe to venture out even during the day time.

Kayla ventured cautiously constantly watching for signs of her silly brother. ‘Terrian, you idiot, where are you!’ Hearing a crack behind her, she froze in her tracks. The thought of fleeing crossed her mind but now, she had lost herself thoroughly in the woods, she wasn’t sure running away was a good idea.

‘Kayla?’ the voice sounded so familiar. The newcomer came into view, ‘Kayla!’

‘Tayte? What are you doing here?’ Kayla found herself being nearly nuzzled to death when he pushed her against the tree. He didn’t answer but stepped back to stare at her. ‘Tayte, answer me.’

‘Well, I,’ hesitating, he continued, ‘I wanted to make sure you are alright. I know you are looking for Terrian.’ He shuffled his hooves.

‘Well, I... Thanks, Tayte. It means a lot. I am lost, by the way,’ she added wryly.

‘I know, I lost your tracks just now. Did something spook you?’

‘I’m not sure but the crows did look weird.’

‘Crows? They don’t live in Springtown. They are supposed to be in Crautlan. Or whatever they call it.’

‘I know,’ Kayla didn’t like the crows either. Some years back, they had taken away their food and Deepdell was last heard to be under some Stinkbone’s rule now. Things were getting worse, the crows were taking over the towns and there was no one to stop them. Shivering at the thought, she stomped a little before surveying her surroundings again. She cursed Terrian yet again for his tendency to explore on his whims.



‘I think I smell Terrian. The scent is faint but I think he went by here.’

A spark of hope started burning and she followed Tayte. With the two of them, she hoped that her brother would be found soon. She wanted to get home as soon as possible, staying out after dark was not an option in Springtown any more.

They had been walking for quite some time now, still no sign of Terrian. Tayte kept sniffing around for anything that would lead them to Terrian. By now, the sun was setting and they had to find a safe place to rest. Kayla wished to desperately return home to Pineham. The forest also seemed friendlier there.

‘Kayla, I think I see something. It looks like we have to run for it, the storm is coming.’ The two of them ran towards the cave that Tayte was talking about. Lightning flashed as they ran across the uneven plane. As they tumbled into the cave, rain started pelting down heavily. Panting, they stared in amazement at the change. After a while, they went further into the cave to get away from the rain.

Something white flickered as they turned, curious but cautious, they walked as quietly as they could by slowing down so their hooves would not hit the floor too much. When they finally saw the source of the light, they gasped in awe.

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