Welcome to Agbarah

Start from the beginning

Mana removed her shirt and placed it on the cactus, placing the blazer that she carried around on it to make some shade. She was no survivalist, she was just getting lucky so far, there was only that much that she could do in her situation. She was just stumbling into things, lucky to not having been bitten and died slowly grasping for another breath of air as the snake's poison paralyzed her muscles and lungs... She was pathetic.

At the state which she was in currently, she was no savior, she was no hero that would change the world. No one would remember her story and be inspired to change their violent ways from the way she's been living up to now. A broken shell of what she once was chasing after days long gone, after life which was long lost. The only deed she had done which was remotely worthy of her final pride was that time she saved a child from being horribly murdered by Hisako, that being said that child was a murderous psycho who would likely grow up into an actual criminal but as long as he was alive there was still hope he wouldn't... Ironically, that very point was also when Mana lost herself, her identity.

The girl's body shook in a cold evening breeze, quickly Mana took her shirt and got dressed to protect from the breeze, she still had a couple of hours to keep on walking, then she'd have to somehow survive the coldest night in her life... Just that thought, that fear of her own uselessness and demise sparked something, Mana wildly shook her head around realizing that, finally, she could hear something. Her hearing was slowly returning to her, perhaps her sight would soon follow? The magician did feel a little ashamed of the fact that she relied so much on her sight but it was the sense she was the most accustomed to. She was a visual artist, after all, it only made sense.

The girl continued to walk, burrowing herself into her blazer by how cold the evening was. Usually, there'd be someone who would give her some extra clothing during those final hours of walking. She was still weak, she relied so much on the protection of other people when she yelled so loud that she'd be the one protecting everyone. Mana closed her blinded eyes and kept on walking forward, she shoved the depressing and wild thoughts away, forced them away. She had no time to feel pity for herself, she either lived or died.

Some walking sounds on the sand, Mana tried to yell for help but she could only hardly whimper. A loud animalistic sound came her way, similar to that of a bear's roar but since the magician knew that those things didn't live in the desert she just extended her hand forward. A slobbering wet tongue licked her hand before the animal's slobbery, wet and warm mouth let Mana's hand completely disappear into its mouth. It didn't bite her, it just held her hand inside its mouth and sort of flipped it around with its tongue before the girl pulled it out and wiped the slimy hand at the sand. Mana stood up and felt the animal around.

"It's a camel..." She realized, upon further feeling inspection, it appeared that there was a man with a bleeding wound on his head lying beside the camel. The night was getting cold, if he was allowed to stay down he'd likely die, whether it was from the cold or the predators. Mana was lucky that she laid at the edge of the explosion, the radiating heat warmed her, the emanating light must've scared animals away for miles. This man had no such luxury – he'd die here and so would Mana. The magician stroke the animal's fur and grunted after the pain took her over as she tried to lift the man up. The camel appeared to be a bit smarter than one would give it credit for as it bit the man's sleeve and helped Mana flip it onto its back.

The saddle on top of the camel didn't appear to be ready to handle two people at once, Mana would just have to grind her teeth through and have a bumpy and painful ride as just walking made her bones hurt like they were being kicked every second. The camel just shook uncomfortable after Mana jumped onto it but it seemed to be quite dealt with the idea that it'd be carrying two people wherever it was going. The magician lightly slapped the animal on its butt making it get the clue. The camel started rushing forward. This was going to be an agonizing trip, wherever she was going, but at least it'd be a lot faster.

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