School Dress Code..

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One of the most annoying things about school. Dress code.

In my school you can't wear hats or sunglasses. I don't get that rule... It's a hat. It's not a bad thing, so why don't school's allow it?  I guess it's a respect thing.

The whole thing about shorts... Just wow.

The truth about bra straps... Im like "Im a girl. I wear bra's. Sometimes they are noticable. SO WHAT!" 

I know some schools don't allow makeup.. 

The thing about having too tight dresses 

Shoulders showing... Like ooooo I have shoulders! No one knew! 

The expression ( Girls body's distract guys..) Not my fault my body is distracting. ALL BC IM A GIRL.

The rule no leggings... or sweat pants. I know some schools don't allow girls to wear those.

Thanks for reading! If I am missing any or if your school has any dumb dress code rules please comment them below! ~ Countrygirl1055 XxOoXx

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