Fake best friends

24 12 4

I just found out from my loyal friend ( the good relationship advice one) that my best friend actually is planning on asking out my crush tomorrow, on my birthday! And before you think that she might not know that I like him, she does. I have told her so many times and she as even asked me how I can like him.

Now she is planning on asking him out for herself on my birthday. My birthday. I am mad, but mostly hurt. Everything she has done makes sense. Her flirting with him, her talking to him, her telling me that she likes someone and not telling me who. Her telling me she wants a boyfriend, now she is going after him. On my birthday tomorrow, when today I told him that I liked him. In math I sit right across from him and I know from today looking deep into his eyes, that I do like him a lot.

Why whenever I like a guy, and I start to get close to them, there is always some one else in the way? Who gets him to fall for them, and makes them forget all about me? I am so hurt. CR is my EX best friend. I am done. This is the last straw, especially not telling me that she likes him. This whole time she knew, and yet she still has the need to ask him out. Did I tell you how she got in a fight with me over him liking her? She told me that she would never go out with him, that she would never like him, that she would never go after a guy that she knows that I like.

So many lies she has told me. Acting on my side this whole time. I am done. I am not going to be her friend anymore. I am so hurt and annoyed. I feel bad for putting my friend ( the relationship one) in a tough spot. She over heard CR and her friends talking about I how she is going to ask out my crush. well, OUR crush I guess you could say.

My eyes are starting to tear up thinking about him with CR. Her happy and ignoring me, knowing that she has hurt me in more ways than one. Even though she told me that she wouldn't go out with him, she did.

Then there is the second choice. Me, with him. I would be so happy, because finally I am dating a guy that I have wanted to. CR would probity ignore me, but I liked him first and she knew that, she choose on my birthday to ask him out.

I think its stupid for her to try and pull this. I already told him that I like him today. I need to talk to him before she does. I don't want to fight over him with my ex best friend, but ether way, I am not backing down. I am come so close. I finally had the guts to tell a guy that I liked him, and doing that for nothing? Not going to happen. Sorry CR, you should have told me that you liked him sooner.

Tomorrow, I officially don't have a best friend named CR and I need to talk to my crush before she does. Happy birthday to me....

~ Countrygirl1055

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