The struggles of school

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1) The worst feeling ever is when your bored and have nothing to do. It's so common for me to be bored and to message people. But, when they don't reply or the conversation isn't interesting its horrible. There are those classes where the teacher just talks and rambles on and you have to sit there and listen. Or when a teacher has you watch a boring video. It's just one of the things that annoy me the most.

2) Right now I am dealing with a friend who keeps flipping me off and just being really mean towards me. Of course I don't want to be involved with the drama but it's hard sometimes. I just hate how Laur is always a off and on friend. I don't care if we aren't friends but at least don't be snobby and come up to me and say stuff.

3) The most annoying thing for me about school is when you have a big test but you didn't study for it and you would rather not even look at it. Such as my family life test.

4) Something that is hard is doing your other classes homework in a class. Like in my french class I need to do my English homework. It surely is a struggle I have.

5) When you miss a day of school and you are very behind and have to get caught up with a lot of school work.


I just needed to rant about some stuff and hopefully you all understand the struggles of school. Anyways thanks for reading to this! I know that there are more!

~ Countrygirl1055

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