Friend drama problems ..

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Hey guys it's me again. Long time no see! Well anyways I haven't wrote in this book forever and I thought that I should just keep it real with you guys again and start writing about my problems. I feel like it's easier to write than talk to people. I realized a lot of things...

Especially since I'm in high school and all. It's hard to keep friends for me. I don't have classes with my friends and we were so close in the summer and now we have really drifted apart.

I have a English class with my guy friend Dev and I have a math class with my boyfriend. But my friend Aud, El, and Rob I have no classes with them. It hurts me and I hardly see them in the halls and when I do they don't notice me. A lot of times I feel left out and it's a horrible thing to feel. Honestly I miss sleeping over with them and hanging out like we used to.... But things change for the worse and for the better. Friends come and friends go, it hurts thinking about how things change so fast. One second your friends with someone and the next you mess up and are enemies and are getting into fights. Anyone else experience something like this?

I feel like it's easier to have friends who are guys instead of girls that way I don't get involved with drama. Laur got all mad at me because of a joke I pulled on her. It wasn't meant to be mean and she took it the wrong way and posted stuff on Facebook about me. I cried and felt like everyone was going to team up on me and I would get hate. I was actually scared to go to school. It was the worst thing ever.

Of course we made up but that took a while before I confronted her and she decided to listen to me, instead of ignoring me. I feel like this will be all over the place, but hopefully I can help some people if I share some things I have been through. I haven't wrote in this book in a while and I want to start writing in it again.

Comment down below if you want me to write in this book a lot more and share more stuff and advice ❤️

~ Countrygirl1055

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