The conversation

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So if I have news. Today was.... I have no words. In math I sit across from my crush now. He was talking to me and flirting with me again. He even gave me a piece of gum, which he had never done before. So I was talking to my friend

( the one who gives me relationship advice) and she told me that at band she was going to tell him that I needed to talk to him. Which was true, but I wasn't ready to tell him that I liked him.

So at the end of the day we were in the hallway and she told him that I needed to talk to him. He walked right up to me and asked me what was up. I then told him that I liked him. He said okay and walked back into his classroom.

Then later when I went to get a drink he somehow saw me and walked over to me telling me that he didn't say yes and that he didn't say no. I didn't ask him out, but I guess he could tell that I was wondering. When he told me that, he looked straight into my eyes, and I just realised how blue his eyes are. They are light blue. So pretty and I just know that it is true that I do like him.

I went back into my classroom and I couldn't stop thinking about him. I still can't stop. What does that mean? I am like so confused and nervous of what he is going to tell me tomorrow. At first he just shrugged and walked off, but then he told me that he didn't say yes and that he didn't say no. I can guess that I am in his head. Because today at math he asked my what it was like dating my x and I told him that I didn't like it. Usually he is joking around and when he was talking to me, I realized how easy it is to talk to him. He is so nice and cute. Sometimes annoying, but really nice. I am glad that I told him, but in have no idea what to think.

When I was walking out to the bus, he yelled something out the window when I walked by his bus. I seriously can't get him out of my head. Tomorrow is my birthday!!!! And I hope that he talks to me tomorrow. My school birthday wish is to be with him, hope that comes true.

~ Countrygirl1055

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