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This guy who I used to like and date got expelled out of my Highschool. Keep this in mind that we are only freshman. I used to hangout with him after school a lot and he used to be the only one who made me smile.

Then once he turned into a jerk and started harassing and bullying me I  refused to talk to him. We broke up because he cheated on me and then when I got a new boyfriend he got me to like him again.

He put me under his spell and he has hurt me more than once. It's been a year since he has gotten expelled and the least expected thing happened....

He messaged me. He made a new Facebook account and messaged me. Weird or what? It's really shocked me and I don't get why he messaged me.

It takes him forever to reply and stuff. He messaged me earlier today and said that he wanted to ask me a question. But he hasn't responded... He saw the message... But didn't answer... Now I'm sitting here wondering what in he world does he need to ask me?

I have a boyfriend who I have been with for 9 months now and I'm happy. This guy is my past and has no reason to message me. I won't fall back under his spell again. This guy is a charmer and loves to joke around.

I hate guys like him, and I just need to forget about him. I will update more later Xx

~ Countrygirl1055

(Just needed to rant about this!)

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