Chapter one

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Authors note: This is an after the last battle story. I wrote this because C.S. Lewis said after he wrote the last battle ( where obviously Susan is not there) that Susan's story wasn't over. Most people thought he would write another book but unfortunately he didn't before he died.... This is what I think it would say. HOPE YOU ENJOY!


Tears are pouring down my cheeks. I am sitting at the funeral of my family. My cousin Eustace, my older brother Peter, my younger brother Edmund, and my youngest sibling, my sweet little 17 year old sister, Lucy. I think it makes this all the worse that I was very mean to them the day of their death. But could you blame me? They were going to talk to the professor the man who took care of us for a few months when we were children. It's not him I have something against, its what they were going to talk about. They went to talk about Narnia. Narnia is a silly little game we played as children. The problem is they thought it was a real place. But it was only a game! Logically magic worlds are impossible.

I am home now. I'm in my room, holding a picture of my siblings and I. Its a picture of us when we were children, it was the year.........the year me and Peter stopped playing Narnia with the others. I remember our excuse to stop playing, we pretended that a magical lion told us that we had learned all we could learn from "that world." We probably only did that so Lucy wouldn't start crying when we just turned her down when she asked to play.

I'm laying on my bed crying, I hold the picture up to my heart. Tears slowly fall on to the glass of the picture frame. I remember the pain of that day. After arguing with them about not going to meet with the professor, they left the room, Lucy left last. She turned around and looked back at me one last time. I could see she was hurt that I didn't believe the most truthful person I knew. That almost made me go. It was not til hours later when I started to feel that I was to hard on them. I went to the train station where they would be getting off at any moment. It was there I realized what had happened............. My family had been in a horrible train crash.

I am still laying in my bed holding the silver picture frame. I put the frame down and am pulling out a old scrap book. I open it and laugh at the first few pictures I see. Peter, in one of the pictures was holding Lucy on his shoulders. I was standing beside him with my arm around him with Edmund right in front of me. I remember Lucy that day, she was only eight. She had fallen on the ground and she skinned her knee. We were living with the professor then, Lucy wanted Mother, so Peter and I rushed over to her and played her favorite game for the fifteenth time that day. I laugh again as I turn the page, then I immediately stop laughing. It was a picture of Lucy in front of that wardrobe. In front of that wardrobe that killed them! If we never saw that wardrobe Lucy would never had thought of that stupid little game and they would not have gotten on that train...and....and.........they would not have been in that crash!!!!! I slam the book close and shove it under my bed.

I walk outside into the cold breeze. My cheeks sting from the hot tears and the brisk wind. Every thing is dull outside. I remember the bright sun shining on snow in a forest years and years ago. Every thing seemed bright then. "No stop it Susan!" I tell myself, "It was only your imagination." I look in the distance, I see a figure that looks just like Peter. "Peter!" I nearly scream as I run out to it. But when i reach there, I realize it was a figment of my imagination. Next i thought i saw Edmund he was eating Turkish delight at the coffee shop. But again when I reached him he disappeared. I thought I saw Eustace, he was only 16, I feel so bad for him and his mother and father their only child of only 16 died. Finally, and the most hard one to face, I thought I saw Lucy. But what made it worse i thought she was holding something, a little bottle with red liquid inside it looked just like the one we played with. I almost heard a whisper saying "Narnia is real" but I know it is a figment of my imagination so I don't believe a word of it. I walk on missing them with every step I take. I remember the one thing that makes me happy, make-up. I go into my room and pack on all the makeup I own, trying to cover up the red marks from tears. I would be trying to find the man I fancy, but I'm too sad to talk to anyone. I even shut out my best friend. We are not that close but I talk to her in crises. I cant even tell her the worst part, the Narnia part of it. Im going to sleep covered in my own tears.

Susan's storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें