Chapter twenty-two

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In just a few hours I will be "Departing" I just hope my plan will work. If it doesn't my word I'm dead. I fix my hair and walk outside to discuss things with Lina. 

"So how are we suppose to do this?" She asks curiously.

"Just let it go on, naturally, I want them to act how they would not how I persuade them to."

"Makes much sense my queen." Usually I would say "Oh don't call me your queen, call me Susan." But frankly I miss it. Hours pass...Lucy tries to hold herself together, Jill takes her in other rooms to comfort her, Edmund tries, Eustace tries too, and Peter remands silent. I gently rub my face and walk in. 

"Aslan wants you in the court yard, the departing is starting." I say.

We walk out side and I take my place near Aslan as Narnians and Telmarains come to me and start to say goodbye. The family will come last. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver came up very solemnly. Then Mr. Tumnus just as solemnly. Tears form in my eyes to see them so sad. Finally it's Jill's turn. She tries to curtsy and gently smile, but when she opens her mouth to say goodbye, her voice shakes and she blinks. A tear rolls down her cheek and I hug her tight. 

"It's alright." I whisper, "You're okay." She goes to the back of the line and Eustace comes up.

"Goodbye cousin." He says and gives me a hug.

"Goodbye Eustace." I say looking him in the eye. He looks like he is trying to be strong but I know he is dying to even just shed one tear. I pull him into a tight hug and one tear falls down his cheek. "Thank you." I say looking him in the eyes again. He nods his head and whispers some things quietly to me and then goes to join Jill.

Next up is Lucy, here comes the tears. She comes up, her cheeks still tear stained. "Goo--goo-----I can't say it!" She cries, "It's to hard!"

"Oh hun." I say wrapping my arms tightly around her. "It will be alright."

" I don't want to leave. I wanna stay here with you!"

"Well you can come back up after the others."

"No! Because then you will have to leave!"

"Lucy!" I scold.

"Sorry." She turns around and walks away dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

Up comes Edmund trying to put on the same face Eustace had but boy is he failing. 

"Goodbye, Susan. I love you and want you to know I always will." He says while looking at the ground.

"I love you too Ed." I so badly want to scream "I'm not actually leaving!" Cause it is so depressing seeing them all like this, but there heads will be lifted in a short matter of time.

"I don't want to say goodbye." He says looking me in the eyes. He looks like he is about to cry.

"Don't cry, it will be alright, one day you'll see." He nods and walks to the back.

Peter comes up and my heart starts thumping wildly.

"I want to say...." He says coming up to me, "I love you, I really do. You and Lucy are the best  little sisters anyone could ask for. I don't want you to leave and I tryed to stop this, but no one can confront Aslan's choice." He says with tears building in his eyes.

"I love you too Peter and I will miss you. Your the best big brother anyone could ask for. It will be alright."

"I can't help but feel that this is my fault." He says.

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