Falling for a Dark God

Start from the beginning

"Well aren't you glad you finally learned your lesson with her? It only took you 3 times to get it. But back to fun things for two hot guys who can't go to a bar like me yet... sorry still nothing!" You say giggling, you love reminding them that you're the oldest out of our whole group of friends.We were all ironically born the same year, course that's expected when you were all in the same grade when you all met.

"Why do you always remind us we're younger then you? Oh wait, it doesn't matter cause we can get what we want anyways!" Austin says, forever acting like the baby of the group that he is. Even if he is more mature then me most the time, you think with a laugh.

8 months ago~

*RING* *RING* Hopping off your bed, you run to the living room to get your cell phone. Seeing Billy's number on the caller ID you pick it up smiling, happy that he surprised you with a call cause you were having a bad day. "Hello?"

"Hi is Lily there?"

Shocked it was Austin on the line instead of Billy you say, "Oh wow Austin haven't heard from you in a while! How goes living in California with Billy?"

"It's going pretty well, tough time finding work though. Just thought I'd call you and see what you were up to."

Laughing, you tell him about how you'd had a bad day cause you're crazy mom was creeping everyone out again.

"Must suck having a skitzo mom. But at least you have distractions from it and you can leave the house if you're too uncomfortable."

Sighing you tell him, "True, but then I'd feel bad cause she's my mom and nobody else seems to care about being there for her anymore. Hey! How about you tell me something to cheer me up?"

"Okay well.... Billy got in a fight with his girlfriend but it wasn't break-up worthy, I dumped the one I was with last time we talked and now the one I'm with is getting jealous I'm on the phone with you instead of talking to her."

"Billy's still with her, wow. I thought he'd dump her sometime already after he told me how crazy she can get." "Nope, he's in love with her I think. Even if he has shared her with me hahahaha!"

"EWWWWWW! Common Austin! Much as I love you guys I really don't need to know about your guys ENTIRE sex life!" You yell, disgusted that he told you that. "Last I checked it was just Billy who told me about his sex life and that's only cause we dated. When did you suddenly want to be so sharing of yours? Perv."

"When Billy told me that you used to like me back in high school. Is it true?" Austin said with a note of humor.

Blushing, you laugh and say "Cute yes, like you no. You were dating my best friend, that made you eye candy ONLY. Any feelings I had may have had for you were ignored and forgotten." 

"Ouch. But Anna dumped me on Valentine's Day and it was years ago." He said with a hint of sadness.

"And you're still in love with her so why would I even try going out with a guy who's still in love with one of my best friends? Besides back then I wouldn't have even tried to hit on you." You say, remembering back when you were almost 300 pounds and never tried to do anything to get a boyfriend.

"Now why's that? I may still have feelings for her but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten on with my love life. I've even almost been married since we last saw each other." Austin answered with some anger.

Laughing as how intense he's getting, you respond "Now calm down dude. I wasn't saying anything mean, I was just saying I don't go after guys who just dated one of my closest friends is all. Even if I did you never showed me any signs that you would have dated me anyways. I mean I was really big and not exactly nice back then. I may have thought you were cute but to be honest I would have never tried anything to get with you anyways. You were way outta my league."

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