"Maybe she's waiting for the right time." She says.

"Maybe, but I trust her."

She looks me in the eyes and sighs.

"I guess I do too then. You are the smart one." She jokes and I punch her lightly.

"Come on. Lets get back, we've got enough berries now."

We head back to camp where Juliet is helping Daisy and Summer pack up the things.

"Hey Daisy, where did you get that necklace?" Bonnie asks, noticing the clear locket on her neck. The small glow couldn't be seen in the sunlight, but the necklace was clearly there. Daisy glances down at it and blushes.

"Oh, prim gave me it." She says. Bonnie raises an eyebrow at me.

"So you found the necklaces power?" She says. I nod and grow a flower in the pond beside us.

"All things related to water. Look at this." I shoot some water out of the pond and imaging blueberries. Bonnie catches it in her mouth and smiles.


"Come on, lets finish packing this stuff up, then we can taste Prim's water." Summer laughs.

We finish packing all the stuff into Bonnie and Juliet's waterproof backpacks and then I give some strawberry water to everyone.

They gulp it down and ask for more so I give them some.

We then pick up the packs and start walking down to the shore. I climb into the water and easily swim to the other side, as it was my 4th time in doing so, where as the others struggle.

I sit on the bank and wait for them. As I do, I play with my powers, flicking water out of the water at one place and back in at another. Suddenly a thought occurs to me. I look over to where Summer, Daisy and Juliet are swimming. Juliet is nearly at the shore so I leave her and look over at Bonnie, who is half way across the stretch with her pack on her back. I imagine the water behind her and from under her. She shoots forward and looks up in surprise. I smile to myself. It worked. I keep the current going and look behind her at summer who is struggling in the water.

I imagine the water lifting her up and pushing her along as I did with Bonnie and she does, but Bonnie slows. I go back and re-enforce her but then Summer stops. I frown at the challenge. I think of both of them, and imagine the water shooting them forward. They zip through the water and Summer laughs. Daisy looks up and sees them, then looks at me, raising her eyebrow as if asking, was that you? I nod and think of the water doing the same to her. She lunges forward, twice as fast as the other girls and laughs as she passes them. I think of the water surging up and Daisy flys out laughing, does a spin and slips back into the water. Juliet climb onto the bank.

"Looks fun." She shouts at Daisy as I give her another twist.

"It is!" Daisy shouts back. I surge the water around her and fly her up into the air. She laughs and then I drop the water and she falls. Just before she hits the water, I pull some up and she falls into it. She surfaces and laughs. I realize that I have stopped Bonnie and Summer, who are swimming two or so hundred meters from shore, smiling over at Daisy, who surfaces and shouts out, "More!"

I shake my head and pull them all to shore.

"So, where are we going?" Juliet asks when they are all out of the water.

"I say we go to the cornucopia. Now Juliet's the only career, we can pinch some food and weaponry." I say.

They all agree so we start walking off.

"Wait!" I say, thinking of something. I spin around and tag some water behind me.

"Just in case." I say.

We start walking uphill to the cornucopia. The water starts to get annoying so I form it into a bracelet and wrap it around my wrist.

We make it to the clearing without interruption and take some food and weapons off the pile. I grab a dagger and stick it in my belt. Suddenly, a silver parachute floats down from the sky. I catch it and unwrap it. Inside is a note and metal chain.

The note reads,

'To prim.

This chain is water adhesive. With the tiniest help of your powers, water with stay on the chain until you need it.



I scrunch the note up and put the chain on. I then put the water on my wrist up to it and it slides off and onto the chain. My two necklaces tingle against each other. I look down and the water on the chain spins itself around my locket, connecting the two chains.

"Cool." Summer says, looking down at the chain. I nod. Suddenly, a whisp of air goes past my ear and I turn to see an arrow in the pile of things behind me. Before I can do anything, Daisy cries out in pain. I turn and see her, doubled over, with an arrow in her chest.


Cliffhanger, cliffhanger, cliffhanger.

Guess what. I'm gonna do another comments thing. When this chapter gets 10 comments from DIFFERENT PEOPLE I will post the next chapter.

Love you all! >:)


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