Chapter 3

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I walk back up to the house, tears still silently running down my face. I go into my room and sit on my bed. I pull my knees to my chest and start sobbing. The tears I was trying to hold in come pouring out. I try to stop but the tears keep on coming. In the end I just let it go. Besides, no-ones there to see me.

That thought makes me cry even more. I was alone. For a whole week I am alone. I cry until I run out of tears.

Then I go upstairs to the entertainment room. I sit on one of the chairs with the booklet and the tv remote and manage to work out how to change it to a channel. It's one I the capitols news channels. It's showing a report of the rebellion progress.

"After that last bomb, it was only a matter of time before president snow gave in. The death toll of the bomb is still not final, however this much can be established. The mocking jay, Katniss Everdeen, is still alive, however her beloved younger sister was on the front line of the medics and is dead. Katniss is most likely going to come around in about a days time. President Snow gave in about 1/2 an hour after the last bomb. More details after these advertisements."

An ad comes on for Capitol insurance and then another for donating to the Capitol hospital and one for supporting the mocking jay rebellion.

I look away and go over to the DVD cupboard. I look at a few Capitol movies before I settle on a documentary about the old rebellion. I go to put it in but then I hear my name on the news program. I look up. The news lady is sitting there, interviewing Gale.

"So, Gale, what was it like when you first woke up after that bomb?"

"It was scary. Other injured people were in the same wing as me and one didn't have an arm. I asked about Katniss and they said she was fine, but still unconscious. Then I asked about Prim..."

"Right, Primrose Everdeen. You must have been pretty close to her, weren't you?"

"Yes. Well, closer to Katiss but Prim.. Well, she was like another sister to me. When they told me she was dead.. At first I didn't believe them. Primrose was the toughest twelve year old I knew. But then as reality dawned in me, I screamed at them. They ended up having to inject me with a drowsing serum, because I was getting dangerous."

Tears roll down my face. Here I was watching him being torn apart because I'm dead. When really, I'm not.

"Yes, we are all sad about Primroses death."

"Especially, Katniss. When I went to her room a little earlier, she was having a nightmare, about Prim. She was shouting her name."

I cry even more when he says this. I curl up onto the love seat and put my head on my knees to watch what else he says.

"Gale, do you have any words for Primrose, you would like to say today?"

"Yes, I do," he says, staring straight at the camera,"Prim, you were the kindest person I knew. You could put a smile on my face and you were like a little sister to me. I will never forget you, and Katniss definitely won't."

A buzzer goes off and the woman leads Gale off the stage and then starts talking about something else but I don't listen. I put my face in my knees and cry. Again.

This time I stop quicker. I turn the tv off and head towards the elevator. I realize I'm hungry so I go down to the kitchen. I look in a cupboard and find a packet of something called, Banana Chips. I rip them open and try one. It tastes horrible, salty yet with a rotten banana taste. Still, it's food and its all I can do not to gulf them down in two seconds flat. I try to remember the last time I ate. It's must have been a few minutes before we left to the Capitol, because Coin had come to me just as I was finishing a tiny snack. That was, about, 7 hours ago, I calculate as I look at the modern digital clock on the wall.

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